She took all her remaining clothes out of the drawers and stuffed them on top of her neatly folded piles in her suitcase. What did it matter if she arrived back home with creased clothes? What did anything matter? She zipped closed her suitcase and piled it on top of the other two in the corner of her room. The luggage allowance would cost her an arm and a leg this year. She always arrived with the minimum amount but left with so much more, and she had no idea how that happened.
Staring across the room, the shelves were as empty as she felt inside. The blackboard Manuel used to write on to warn her about his lady visits was wiped clean of his naughty messages, and she’d removed her family photos from the walls. Saying goodbye to Spain was always a sad time, but this year, it felt so much harder.
“Almost done?” Manuel appeared in the doorway with two beers, and Florence gladly took one.
“Yes, I think I’m done.”
“I don’t like that you’re leaving,” he said. “I’ll do my best to make so much noise the new tenant will leave before you come back next year, but I can’t promise anything.”
“I know.” Florence chuckled. “You’re a good guy, Manuel. I enjoyed living with you, believe it or not. There’s a room free in the house I’m moving into in London.”
“Nah. I’m fine here. London is too busy and rainy for me, and besides, I asked Paradise for a permanent contract and they gave it to me, so I’ll be able to work my way up now.”
“That’s great! Congratulations.” Florence took a drink of her beer and patted his cheek. “You’re not supposed to tell me that, though, are you?”
“No, but it’s not like you’ll be back there gossiping tomorrow, and—” Manuel stopped himself. “Wait. How do you know I wasn’t allowed to talk about it?”
“Because Stella offered me a permanent contract too.”
“That’s fantastic!” He ruffled a hand through her hair. “So, we’ll be working together full-time?”
“I haven’t made up my mind yet, but it’s a nice offer.” Florence looked up at him. “Anyway, since when are you ambitious? You said you’d rather lose your six-pack than take on a managerial role, and now you suddenly want to work your way up?”
Manuel shrugged. “Since I found out I’m going to be a father.”
“What?” Florence laughed, then slammed a hand over her mouth when he didn’t laugh along. “Are you…” She pointed her beer bottle at him. “Are you joking?”
“No. It’s your mother’s fault,” he said matter-of-factly.
Florence regarded him as she tried to make sense of the nonsense he was telling her. “Okay, I know you tend to lower your standards when you’re drunk, but please don’t tell me you’re about to become my stepfather. You’ve only met my mum a few times when she was here, she’s too old to have a baby, and anyway, I like to think you’d never do that to me.”
“I didn’t sleep with your mum!” Manuel shook his head and shot her an incredulous look. “Jesus, Flo. Of course I didn’t.” He tapped the triangular, ochre-coloured precious stone attached to a leather string around his neck. “She gave me this one time she came here for dinner, remember?”
Florence frowned as she studied the necklace. “Yes, I forgot she was the one who gave it to you. You’ve worn it a lot.” She’d been given a few pieces of jewellery herself, but she’d stored them in a box and only wore them occasionally when she saw her mother.
“I wear it night and day,” Manuel said. “I like it, and women love it too. I tell them it’s a magic talisman gifted to me by a witch, which isn’t that far from the truth.” He dropped a pause. “However, what your mother failed to tell me is that it’s a fertility crystal. I didn’t know that until a woman I hooked up with looked it up the other night. It’s moonstone. It all makes sense now. Your mother put a spell on me.”
“Wait. You think that necklace is the reason you’re going to be a father? I’m sure you’re aware of how babies are made. And you know those things don’t hold any power, right? They’re just pieces of pretty crystal.” Florence chuckled, but Manuel remained serious. Half grateful for something to take her mind off Meghan and half in shock as she was actually inclined to believe him, Florence stared at him. “How?” She shook her head. “I mean, in a way, I’m not surprised the way you live your life, but I thought you were careful.”
“I’ve always been careful, but I got really drunk one night and had unprotected sex. Just one time, that was all it took.” Manuel paused. “I was upset at first, even in denial. Luckily, the mother is Spanish, and she lives here. After she told me she was pregnant and that she was keeping the baby, I needed some time to get used to the idea. And now… I don’t know.” A small smile played around his mouth. “I think I’m looking forward to it.”
“You’re serious.” Florence got on her tiptoes and gave him a long, tight hug. “What about you and the mother? Any chance you’ll get together?”
“I don’t think so,” he said, shaking his head when she stepped back. “But we’ve talked, and we’ve come to the agreement that we’re going to raise our child together, so I had to start thinking about my future. I only found out three weeks ago. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell me initially, so she was already five months in when she finally did.”
“Oh my God.”
“Yeah. I didn’t tell you earlier because I needed to let it sink in, you know? It’s not easy when you realise your whole life is about to change. And there’s no point sharing when you’re confused. I had to get things straight in my own head first.” Manuel rubbed her arm. “But I wanted to tell you now, before you go. Apart from my mother, you’re the only person I’ve told.” He smiled. “I’m going to have a little girl.”
“Oh, how sweet.” Florence returned his smile and hugged him again. Resting her chin on his shoulder, she fought her tears. Were they tears of joy or tears of sadness? A bit of both, she supposed, and they clearly needed an outlet. “It feels so surreal. You’re going to be a father.” Her thoughts drifted to Meghan, and with Manuel’s words lingering in her mind, she realized she’d put too much pressure on her, expecting too much too soon. Perhaps it was all her fault that she’d lost her. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you. I’m excited too, believe it or not.” Manuel squeezed her.
“So next time I see you, I’ll meet your little girl?”
“Of course.”
“And you’ll be leading an entirely different life,” Florence continued. “You might even be a responsible grown-up.”