Page 22 of Blood Rose

The professor’s eyes narrowed once more. “You’re not telling the truth.”

I looked at him then, directly in the eyes, and frowned. I did not appreciate being called a liar. “If you don’t believe me, then ask Mads, the head cook. She was there when Vivian told me I’d have to work for my keep. Now, do you want me to go back to the kitchens, or can I get directions to the witch dorms?”

Professor Valserak’s gaze searched my face. I must have looked especially earnest, because a moment later he snorted and strode past me.

“Stay put,” he called over his shoulder.

“But I,” I started.

“You’re going to need a hall pass if those girls intend to make you wander the corridors at night,” he said as he paused and turned back to face me. There was anger in his eyes, but I didn’t think it was directed at me. “I’m sure they meant for you to rack up demerits when night class professors caught you wandering the halls like some lost lamb. Chesley can escort you to the west wing while I conclude my class. He’s familiar enough with the layout of the dormitory by now.”

There was an unpleasant insinuation in the way he said the last bit, though I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it meant, if anything at all. Was he implying that Rook was dating someone who was living in the day class dorms? It couldn’t be a witch, if so. I was probably the only witch within a hundred miles who would deign to touch a vampire, let alone kiss one. Was he dating a faerie or a werewolf, maybe? Was it one of the beautiful Winter Sidhe I’d seen in class? Maybe he wasn’t dating anyone at all but just was popular with the ladies?

“Asshole,” Rook muttered as the professor slipped into a nearby classroom. He sidled closer, glowering at the spot where Valserak had just disappeared.

I bent over to retrieve the cupcake box from the ground. It looked like I’d be delivering them after all. “How is it you know your way around the west wing so well?” I teased him, raising one brow towards the ceiling.

“None of your business,” he snapped.

“It sort of is,” I pointed out. “For all I know, you’re dating Vivian and leading me into a trap.”

Rook’s expression twisted into a rictus of disgust. “Me dating a Grimsbane? Never. Not on your life. Even you’d be preferable.”

Of course, I was offended by that but I held that offense in. I wasn’t going to let him know he was under my skin. Instead, I laughed it off. “Ooh, Checkers, you really know how to turn up the sweet talk. And for the record, I’m waaaay out of your league.”

Rook jerked in surprise. I caught him giving me a deliberate (and dare I think it, thoughtful) once-over. Then he crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled, “Why the hell are you wearing lingerie?”

I glanced down at the winter coat which was open, revealing the chemise underneath. “I’m wearing a coat.”

“Underneath the coat.”

I looked up at him and smiled sweetly. “Oh, I was just hoping to run into you, of course,” I drawled sarcastically and batted my eyelashes at him like the joke was on him. “You left such a stellar impression last time that I couldn’t contain myself. I just had to have you.” His expression shifted from one of irritation to one of intrigue and then confusion. I had a feeling most people didn’t talk to him quite so… freely. “In fact, my entire convoluted plan has now come to fruition!” I said with a big, fake smile. “The box isn’t full of cupcakes, but ropes and ball gags. Time to pull you into an alcove, tie you up, and have my wicked way with you.”

The vampire approximation of a growl trickled through his lips. His dark eyes were flat and unfriendly. When his lips parted, I caught a glimpse of his fangs, sharp and extended. Me and my big mouth. Clearly, I’d managed to piss him off, so now I’d be wandering the corridors with a man who’d rather tear my throat out than rip my clothes off.

“Don’t mock me, Carrot Top,” he hissed.

“Or what?” I shot back, unable to keep my wayward tongue in check. “You’ll bite me? You don’t scare me, Checkers. I’ve faced worse than you. A whole lot worse.”

“I doubt it.”

“Um… do you know who a vampire named Janeth is?” I asked, real heat in my voice now. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he did know or know of Janeth because it seemed her antics were pretty much known to all.

Rook’s anger evaporated at the sound of Janeth’s name. He straightened out of his aggressive posture and smoothed his expression into a cool mask. I didn’t realize I’d been mirroring him, leaning forward, gathering power for a spell until he leaned back. I didn’t relax until his fangs shrank back to normal size.

“Sure,” he answered.

“Well, I do too, because she kidnapped me. If my brother hadn’t intervened, I wouldn’t be on the witch side of this equation any longer.”

“Your brother?”

I nodded. “And she didn’t take it easy on him for interfering. She tortured him, and if my coven had turned up even a few minutes later, she probably would have turned him.” I took a deep breath because thinking about Janeth always unsettled me. “Anyway, point is: she scares me a hell of a lot more than you do. So put your fangs away unless you intend to use them.”

Rook didn’t quite look at me as Professor Valserak returned. Valserak reached out and handed me a folded up piece of paper which I assumed was my hall pass. I took the note without looking at it and stuffed it into my pocket.

“I recommend completing your errand in the next thirty minutes,” the professor said smoothly. “The bell for next period will sound, and you don’t want to wade through the night class, especially wearing so little,” he continued as he took me in from head to toe. There was nothing lascivious in his gaze though. “An incubus will eat you for dinner.”

At this rate, I might let him. Rook could barely stand to look at me, let alone get close enough to divest me of my underwear. I might as well give up on the pipe dream of tangling with him again. It would serve him right to hear lewd tales of my exploits from his incubus friend.