Page 74 of Piper's Pyro

“What?” He opened the door.

“First, tell me you’re clean.”

“You have some nerve coming tomyhouse and demanding shit. What you think of me doesn’t matter, asshole.”

“It should matter if you love my sister, asshole.”

The mention of Piper seemed to throw him off-kilter. He scratched his messy hair and leaned against the doorjamb.

“Well, do you love Piper?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business. I left. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Yes. But I might have a change of heart if you’re clean.” I stared him in the eyes. He seemed all right.

“Did she threaten you or something?”

“No. She’s shut everyone out except Lady M. We’ve never seen her like this. I’m worried. We’re all worried.”

“Damn, I was afraid she’d do something drastic.” My words affected him.

“Drastic like you?” I assessed him dramatically. “You look like hell.”

“I feel like shit.”

“Look, I got somewhere to be. I just stopped by to tell you my sister needs you. She’s miserable, and that’s not okay with any of us.”

“Thought she could only be with a biker, not a pathetic drummer?”

“Man, can’t you be both?”

He growled.

“I have to ask. Most men would doanythingfor the woman they love. Why won’t you?” I knew I was pushing the line, but I was on a roll. “Was she only a good time sally? Then when it started getting serious, you bolted.”

“No, I gave her up because I’m not biker material, and I didn’t want to be the reason your family fell apart. I know what it’s like to lose your sister. I didn’t want that for any of you.”

Fuck, I didn’t know what to say.

“You should go.” He started to close the door, but I stuck my boot in the way.

“You’re free to do what you want. I don’t believe in love, but my sister does. If you want to be with her, go to her today. I mean, after you shower and brush your teeth, cause you reek, man.” I waved my hand in front of my nose.

“Don’t you ever stop with the insults?”

“No. See what you have to look forward to when you’re with Piper.”

“If I’m with Piper.”

“No,when. If you don’t go make up with her, it will be your greatest mistake.” I refused to tell him about the baby. If the guy couldn’t figure out what he should do, he didn’t deserve to be with Piper.

“Is there something I should know? Are your other brothers waiting for me to arrive so they can torture me?”

“Aren’t you already tortured not being with her?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Then go to her. You can thank me later.” I stalked back to my bike, straddled it, and nodded at Pyro.