She pulled her shirt over her head. “I know. I don’t know what the answer is. I want you here with me.”
“And I want you with me.”
“Then it should be easy.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She knew as well as me that some hard decisions needed to be made.
I sat up. “And where would we live?”
“You could get a job here. I’m sure my brothers have something available at the casino. Do you have any interest in prospecting for the club?” As the words left her lips, she winced.
“Are you serious?”
“I don’t know why I said that. Sorry.” She put her shoes on and made a beeline for the door.
“Wait.” I threw back the covers.
She froze. “What?”
“You’re just going to leave without finishing our conversation?” I turned her to face me. “Or kiss me goodbye.”
“Our talk wasn’t heading in the direction I’d hoped it would.” She pressed her lips to mine. “I’m going to wash up and go downstairs to eat. I’m famished.”
“Really?” I cocked my head. “Even after I blew my load in your mouth?”
“You’re filthy.”
“You love it.”
“Maybe.” She slapped my ass and made it sting. “Get dressed so we can feed the chickens together before I go to work.” She darted out of the room before I could make her stay.
The day dragged on while I did nothing productive while Piper went to work. But I made it, although bored out of my mind. I spent most of my time outside, away from the curious women and disgruntled men. About the only person who didn’t look at me funny was Nova—and she was at school.
I didn’t fit in here. It wasn’t like Southern California. There was zero activity out there in the country. The Knights’ property line went a mile down the road. Nobody drove on the frontage road besides family, friends, and mail delivery.
How could they enjoy being secluded fromeverything? The isolation made me feel like I was in a post-apocalyptic show, likeThe Walking Dead. If there were to be some crazy event that wiped out eighty percent of the population, the Knights would probably be the ones who survived it and thrived. Fuck, they’d probably come out on top and rule the country. They were already kings in North Dakota. The more I considered the possibility, it might be wise to stay close to the Knights in case of a zombie breakout.
I snickered and shook my head as I stared out at the yard from the porch. My wild thoughts didn’t seem so far-fetched.
“Give me something to do,” I groaned and slid deeper into the chair. Piper should be home in less than an hour. I couldn’t wait to take her into my arms and kiss the hell out of her.
Dammit, I missed her something fierce.
“Did I hear you say you want something to do?” Cobra’s voice came from the screen door.
“Come with me.”
I went inside and followed him to the back of the house, where I hadn’t been before.
He opened a door and waved me in. “We were just about to get started.”
Get started? Shit, could I have been mindlessly following him to my death, a dead man walking?
“What is this place?” I poked my head in from the threshold. A large oval meeting table was in the center of the rectangular room. Flat-screen televisions were on one wall, and dozens of photos were on another. More importantly, Cobra’s brothers and father were seated at the table, staring at me. Bone wasn’t present. He’d returned to Montana.
“Church,” Cobra replied. “Take a seat.”
“Okay.” I sat in the first empty spot closest to the door if I needed to make a run for it. “So what’s church?”