“You’re all patched up. I assume you know how to clean the area?” The doctor tapped away on the computer.
“Yes.” I rolled my eyes at Russell and pressed my lips together. “I’m a trauma nurse, or did you forget?”
“Just following procedure Miss Knight. You don’t have to get snippy.”
Okay, they better get me out of here quickly before I show Doctor McRude what comes after snippy. I didn’t know Doctor Smith well. His bedside manner was bland and unfeeling, and I didn’t like him.
“She’s just been through hell. Cut her some slack,” Russell told him in a warning tone.
“Looks like everything is just fine in here.” Hustler nodded his approval from the doorway. “I told Cobra he didn’t need to worry.”
“You’re my favorite brother today.”
“I should be your favorite always.” He winked. “You almost ready to blow this joint?”
“Yes, more than ready.”
“I’ll bring the SUV to the entrance.”
“Thank you.” I smiled appreciatively.
“Okay, then. You’re good to go.” Doctor Smith rushed out of the room and shut the door.
I threw my legs over the side of the examining table and hopped off. “Shoot. I need my clothes.” I twisted my lips.
“Want me to go get them?”
“No. I want you to stay with me.”
There was a firm knock on the door, then it opened. “Need anything?” Cobra asked.
“My clothes. Maybe find Mercy. She knows where my locker is.”
“I’ll ask around. Mercy is with Stitch.” My brother left, closing the door behind him.
“God, I hope Brady will be okay.”
“I’m constantly confused by how you throw names and road names out. Like how do you keep track of who’s who?” Russell asked.
“It just takes time. The guys didn’t get their road names until they were patched into the club. But you have a nickname. It’s not any different from a road name.”
“Which name do you prefer? Russell or Pyro.”
“Both names are you, right?” I went to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, and he did the same to me.
“I guess.” His gaze traveled to the bandage on my cheek.
“Then my answer is both.” I pinched his chin to draw his attention back to my eyes. “I like Russell and Pyro because they are the man I’m afraid to let out of my sight for fear I’ll never see him again.”
“Even after I did this to you?” His thumb brushed against my skin below the cut.
“It was an accident. It happens. I’m not blaming you for anything. Forrest is the one who put everything in motion when he captured me.”
“I should’ve been more careful.”
I lifted onto my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his. “Stop it.” I kissed the corner of his mouth. “I’m ordering you to stop blaming yourself.” I kissed the other corner. “All you can do is grant me my every wish.”
He snorted. “And what does the biker princess wish for?”