“It doesn’t matter how Pyro feels.” My jaw twitched. “Nobody can be with our sister without our approval.”
“Good. Because they don’t have mine,” Spectre said through gritted teeth.
“Same. He’s a drummer. Probably doesn’t even ride a hog.” Bone shook his head. “They don’t have my vote.”
“Y’all are a bunch of overbearing control freaks. Piper is a grown woman.” Hustler pointed at me. “One day, Nova is going to want to date, and the boy may not be a biker. Then what will you do? Because you know, Karma won’t let you dictate who Nova loves.”
“Fuck,” I growled. “Now isn’t the time to talk about this shit. Get your minds off Piper’s love life. We’ll deal with that after she’s safely home.”
Hustler snorted. “This is one area I don’t agree with you.”
“Not so sure I do either,” Buff muttered.
I didn’t know what I thought or how I felt about Piper falling for a drummer. She was my baby sister, our biker princess. Our club had rules. Bylaws on crap like this.
If Pyro wanted to be with Piper. If she loved him. I might be able to get on board with the two of them only if he agreed to prospect.
But I didn’t know which of my brothers would sponsor him. I sure as fuck wouldn’t, and neither would Spectre. My little brother felt nothing but disdain for the drummer. I wasn’t sure why.
The elevator doors opened, and we filed out.
Our weapons were drawn.
Our hearts were pounding.
Determination and vengeance flowed through our veins.
“Knights forever,” I whispered.
“Forever Knights,” my brothers replied.
“Let’s take this fucker down. Be safe,” I told them as we crept down the hallway. Pyro wasn’t in plain view, which meant he had made it into the room.
I hadn’t heard gunshots, so he should be in one piece.
I hoped.
My anxiety was at an all-time high the closer I got to room four hundred sixty-one. Rachel’s sweet face stayed at the forefront of my mind. I needed to keep my focus on rescuing Piper for my little sister. I wouldn’t lose another person when I had the chance to save them.
I had failed Rachel.
I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
Just breathe, man. You got this.
But did I?
My skin itched from wearing the blue scrubs Cobra had made me put on. I didn’t like rough, starchy fabrics. They smelled funny too. All my senses were at a heightened level as a panic attack spun inside me like a dust cloud. It would turn into a full-blown destructive tornado if it gathered enough strength.
Stop already.
I approached the door with massive amounts of trepidation. The fucker could open the door and shoot me in the chest over and over until he didn’t have a single bullet left.
Piper could be dead inside. Dead, dead, dead.