“I suppose you’re right.” Karma turned her attention to Destiny. “It’s probably not my place to ask, but do you love Micah? He’s my brother-in-law, and none of us want to see him hurt more than he’s already been.”
Ouch. That stabbed me in the heart.
“I care about Micah and would never dream of hurting him. But we’re not in a good place to be anything more to each other than friends.”
“Friends with benefits, I hear.” Karma raised her eyebrow.
“Yes.” Destiny sat taller in her chair. “We comfort each other but don’t involve our hearts.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, you’re so young and naïve. If his heart wasn't involved, Micah would’ve kicked you out long ago.”
“How old are you?” Reign asked.
“I’ll be twenty-one in a couple of months.”
“That’s almost a twelve-year difference,” Hope said.
“Yes. I’ve done the math.” Destiny appeared annoyed. “Age is just a number. Besides, we’re just—”
“Friends,” Hope and Reign said at once.
“We know. You both keep saying that.” Karma chuckled, then bolted to the island when her phone rang. I recognized Abe’s ringtone. “Abe, how’s it going?”
My heart rate spiked when she turned her back to us.
Hope pinched my shoulder. “Relax, Lady M. Reign, pour her a little whiskey.”
“I’m on it.” Reign swiped the bottle off the counter and poured two fingers of Jack into my glass.
I gulped the amber liquid and relished the warmth in my chest. “I hate not knowing what’s going on. That damn Ben should’ve called me instead of Abe calling Karma.” But I knew the way my husband thought. He was trying to prevent me from getting worked up by talking to him. He knew me well. Just hearing his voice would undo me.
“Okay. Love you too.” Karma ended the call and put the phone back on the island.
“Come on. We’re waiting with bated breath.” My voice thundered and rattled the windows.
She faced us. “There’s not much to tell. They have a plan.”
“That’s good.” Reign smiled.
“And?” I asked. “What’s the plan?”
“The Flaming Triads’ drummer is helping to create a diversion dressed as a nurse. The guys will then storm the room.”
Hope gaped. “The backup drummer?”
“Why is a drummer helping to rescue my kids?” I didn’t like the sound of this. “And why is he there in the first place?”
I watched Hope and Reign stare at each other. They obviously knew something.
“Girls, you better fill me in right this second,” I told them.
“I don’t know much. I left the after-party before Reign.” Hope grimaced. “Sorry for throwing you under the bus.”
“Yeah, thanks. I’m not sure how much I should say.” Reign chewed on her bottom lip.
“You say it all, darlin’.” I nodded sharply.
“I’m not really sure. I think something is going on between Piper and Pyro. Except that doesn’t make sense because she’d been making out pretty heavy with Flint, the lead singer.”