“It’s okay. Just let it out.” He patted my shoulder. “We’ll see her one last time in a little bit. If you want. But it might be traumatic seeing the rope burns around her neck.”
My mother wailed, “No, no, no. My baby, Rachel. Why would she do this to herself?”
And I lost it.
“Pyro, are you all right?” A hand nudged my shoulder and launched me back to the present.
I blinked and exhaled as I stared at Hustler.
“Where were you? I called your name several times.” He accessed me like he suspected I might be trippin’ on LSD.
“Stuck in the past. Any news?” Dammit, it felt like I was coming out of my skin. If I didn’t do something quickly, I’d pull my hair out. Break shit. Scream. Search for a quick fix. If I lost control, Piper’s brothers would never let me near her again.
“Yeah. It’s why I came over to talk to you. It’s been confirmed our brother Stitch was shot and that fucker, Forrest, pulled him into the room where he has Piper. We need to get to them before somebody dies.”
“So what are you going to do?”
“Get someone up there that Forrest doesn’t know.” Hustler cut his gaze at Cobra as if expecting him to say something, but he didn’t.
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
“Good. Will you help us?”
I tilted my head. “Help you how?”
“Dress in scrubs like you’re one of the medical staff.” Hustler grinned.
“But I’m not.”
“We just need to get someone up there to help create a diversion so we can barrel in and apprehend the motherfucker.”
“Why aren’t the authorities handling it?” This wasn’t the wild west. How did they think it would play out by sending me into the lion’s den with an armed nutcase?
“This is our territory.” He shook his head and waved his hand likenever mind. “We’re all working together. Do you honestly think Forrest would welcome the cops into the room with open arms?”
“Exactly. Now, will you help us?” This guy was persistent.
“Sure. Got nothing to lose.”
“Of course you do.”
I screwed up my face.
“My sister, idiot.” Hustler put his hands on his hips. “I thought you cared about her?”
“I do. I think.”
“You think?”
“I’ve only known her for like three days.” How could I possibly feel anything for her after thirty-six hours?
“That’s all it takes. One quick fuck in the supply closet with my old lady—whom I affectionately call Nurse Naughty—changed my life. But it took nearly a year to wear her down. Knocking her up helped.” He grinned proudly.
“Your situation is vastly different from your sister’s and mine.”
“Hmm. I sort of see your point.”