I couldn’t believe I had allowed him to take me from behind. I had anal sex with a guy I didn’t know. He hadn’t even bought me dinner or a drink. And I had let him defile my virgin hole.Anal sex!
What was worse. I enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind doing it again.
Maybe with Russell. Or not.
The stretching and fullness had been reminiscent of the night I’d lost my virginity to that idiot, Forrest Frat. God, I regretted giving him my V-card during my freshman year of college. Had I known he would suck at sex and turn into an obsessive whack job, I would’ve never slept with him. Thank God my family had no clue about that drunken night. I’d never live it down.
“Did you hear me?”
I turned toward Spectre. “Sorry. What?”
He tapped his thumb on the steering wheel as he pulled his red Mustang into the hospital parking lot. He was my personal chauffeur today. Not my choice. Someone had to drive me from the casino to the hospital because I wasn’t allowed to do it myself. Not with said whack job roaming the streets.
Spectre’s jaw twitched. He was probably irritated with me.
“I said what?” I rolled my eyes and gathered my stuff.
“You’re not this stupid.”
“Okay. Wow. Insults first thing in the morning. I don’t need this.” I reached for the doorknob.
“You fucked him.”
I froze. “Excuse me?” Yes, I played dumb. No doubt he’d been monitoring the security cameras against Cobra’s orders to leave me alone and had seen Russell enter my hotel room.
“He’s a fucking junkie, and you fucked him.”
“First of all. He’s been clean for seventeen months. Secondly, you assume we had sex.” I glared at my brother. “I don’t appreciate you sticking your nose in my personal business.”
“You saw the coke on the table, Piper.”
“He got rid of it.”
He growled and hit his hands on the steering wheel. “Don’t be stupid. He’s probably lying and using you for sex.”
“Maybe I was using him back.” The words left my lips on their own accord.Shit!
He practically broke his neck, turning to face me. The outrage on his face made me shift in my seat. I had no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed. My brothers fucked around enough to last three lifetimes. Well, until they were taken off the market by their old lady.
“He’s probably got every STD known to man,” he yelled, and spit sprayed out of his mouth. He wiped his chin with the back of his hand. “You’re disgusting, sis.”
“Fuck you, Silas.” I flung the door open. “And don’t follow me, you overbearing jerk!”
“Oh, believe me, I won’t.”
I ran to the employee entrance and heard his tires squeal as he zoomed out of the parking lot.
Profanity spewed from my lips, entering the breakroom. I had fifteen minutes before my shift started and needed to cool down.
How dare Silas treat me like a child. Bikers were over-the-top possessive and protective. It didn’t usually bother me. These types of men were what I’d grown up with; they were all I knew.
But I could never be with a biker. I was too strong-willed and controlling.
I was a Knight, after all.
“What happened?” Mercy asked from the sofa along the wall. I hadn’t even noticed her.
“My infuriating brother.”