Her laughter pierced my eardrums and danced across my body tauntingly.
When she leaned toward the other dude and spoke in a low voice, I almost wrapped my massive hand around her throat to shut her up.
Why in the fuck had I come to the bar? I should have listened to my first instinct and stayed in my room. I hated being around a lot of people and preferred to be alone.
I shouldn’t be here.
I should leave.
Why the fuck had I played hard to get with her? The second I entered the bar, I became acutely aware of her. I should’ve turned right around and left. But no, I had stayed and flirted with the bartender to get my jollies off messing with both women.
I hadn’t lied about ditching Midnight before her shift had ended. She would’ve been a sweet piece of ass after I peeled those fucking leather pants off her. But the gorgeous brunette had made my skin tingle, and a bolt of desire licked down my spine and fucked up my original plans of only having a couple of drinks and returning to my room.
Her giggles grew louder. Was she trying to make me jealous?
Christ, I was hard as steel. My fucking cock wanted her.
I wanted her.
Why hadn’t I pounced when I had the chance? It was the goddamn chase I lived for. I almost had her right where I wanted, pushing me away and calling me names. We were only minutes away from slapdown, ugly, angry sex. Once I had my fill of her, I would’ve kicked her out of my room, and she’d be nothing more than a fleeting thought.
I’d screwed the pooch this time.
Relieving myself would be degrading as fuck. I needed to sink into a warm, wet pussy. Conquer and possess my prey for a few hours. I would’ve been good as new.
I swept my gaze over the bartender to reconsider her offer of a quickie in the bathroom. Not ideal, but I’d get to come.
I was about to call her over when…
“Piper is a great name,” the turd in a suit said.
I repeatedPiperin my head and let it play on my lips. A vortex of emotions turned the tornado inside me into a hurricane.
“Thanks. I like it.” She drained her drink and peered over her shoulder at me. She had that drunk glow on her pretty face. She turned back to the other guy. “What’d you say your name was again?”
“Turd,” I hissed.
She giggled and elbowed me. “Be nice.”
“I’m never nice.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You don’t like nice,” I whispered at the shell of her ear. “You want mean and brutal. Rough sex. You want me.”
“You’re starting to sound pathetic. Have some self-respect and leave.”
“Make the turd leave.”
“Is something going on here?” the guy asked as if offended. He looked like a lawyer in his pinstriped suit. DefinitelynotPiper’s type.
From the moment our eyes locked, I sensed she was wild, free-spirited, and uncontainable—an addictive and dangerous mix for a guy like me.