And just like that, I was forgotten.
“Did you have a good time?” Reign asked. “You looked bored.”
“How could you tell? The two of you were going pretty hot and heavy. I swear you were having sex.”
Reign giggled and patted Buff’s stomach. “I told you someone would notice.”
I stopped in my tracks. “Are you kidding me?”
“Hey, it was a party, wasn’t it?” My brother grinned and kissed his woman’s head.
“Yeah, it was.” I continued down the hallway toward the elevator, feeling like a total loser.
My brothers had all the fun, and I was tired of it. I wanted a life partner who put me first like my brothers did their old ladies. Well, first, after the club.
If I wanted to find a guy who wasn’t intimidated by my biker brothers, I needed to go to a place where the Knight’s Legion MC wasn’t known. Did such a place exist? Not likely.
I must’ve zoned out while we rode the elevator because I didn’t remember the journey to my hotel door.
“I want you to go straight to bed.” Buff held the door for me.
“Yes, sir.” I saluted him.
“Take two aspirin and drink a bottle of water to offset the alcohol,” Reign said. “You don’t want a hangover in the morning.”
“Thanks,” I replied. But I knew how to take care of myself.
“See you tomorrow.” My brother closed the door.
I stumbled into the bathroom to pee and change. I didn’t even bother putting my sleep tee on. Sleeping nude wasn’t something I could comfortably do at my parents’ farm. What if there was a fire or someone burst into my room and found me naked? Not happening. I made sure to sleep in clothing, but not tonight.
I crawled into the king-sized bed, turned the light off, and yawned, closing my eyes.
Knocking startled me awake.
“Piper, open up.”
I lay there wondering if I was dreaming.
More knocking and whispers came from the door. It wasn’t my imagination.
“Open the damn door.” It was a man. Could it be one of my brothers?
I slid out of bed, suddenly annoyed. I tugged on the hotel robe and tried to see who it was in the peephole. My vision was blurry, but the guy had blond hair, so not one of my brothers.
“Come on, Piper. It’s Russell.”
Russell? I opened the door. The blast of light from the hallway made me cover my eyes. “What do you want?”
I glared at him. “Have you been drinking?” Or snorting, but I didn’t want to sound accusatory.
“Yes, about as much as you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“For every drink you ordered, I matched you.” His gaze raked down my body and back up to my eyes. “Are you naked underneath your robe?”