Page 26 of Piper's Pyro

His honest reply took me aback and left me speechless. Had he been high last night? Did he remember being with me?

“Been clean almost eighteen months.” He relaxed in the chair.

“So why did you have the coke on the table?”

“Why do you think?”

“To snort.”


“But why, if you’ve been clean nearly a year and a half? Why ruin your streak?”

“Because that’s what I do. I ruin things and people.”

I considered him for a long second. “Who’d you ruin?”

“None of your business.” He stood, went to the mini-fridge, and took out a beer.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Flint was in the doorway, looking sexy as always and pissed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Russell chugged his drink.

“Seriously, Pyro. Who fucked up your face?”

“My brother did. Spectre,” I told him honestly. Russell could press charges and I’d give my statement. Screw my brother. He’d crossed the line and should be taught a lesson. Of course my family would harp at me for betraying the club, but I didn’t care. Spectre should learn to control his temper.

Flint’s gaze darted to Russell. “Is that true? What for?”

“I’m fine. Let’s move on.” Russell returned to the chair.

“Jesus Christ.” Flint ran his fingers through his long hair. “I knew I should’ve come looking for you sooner, but I got tied up with some fans.”

Women, I was sure he meant.

“You should get back to your adoring fans.” There was a smidge of envy in Russell’s tone.

“Russell will be fine,” I told Flint. “He should get some rest, though.”

“Russell? She’s calling you by your birth name?” Flint looked at me, then Russell.

“Am I not allowed to call him Russell?”

“We only go by our stage names,” Flint replied.

“Well, I’ll call him Pyro in public.” Their stage names were similar to the club’s road names. Not all bikers had one, but most did.

Russell muttered something, but I couldn’t make it out.

“Now that my buddy is cleaned up, how about we return to the party?” Flint extended his hand.

It felt like I was at a crossroads. Did I go with Flint or stay with… Pyro?

I’d been dreaming of meeting Flint for years. Fantasized about being with him. Now was my chance, but strangely, I was conflicted.

“Go,” Russell said harshly. “I want to be alone.” His words hurt.

“Come on, babe.” Flint gestured with his hand. “I want you all to myself.”