Page 21 of Piper's Pyro

“Watch it,” Hustler hissed. “She’s my little sister.”

Yes! Her older brother came to the rescue.

Singe put his hands up and feigned fear. “Sorry, man. Didn’t know.”

“Oh, please. He’s not the boss of me.” Piper beamed as she hugged Singe. “You’re… Um… Bigger in person than you look on stage.” She was barely half his neanderthal size.

“You flatter me, little lady. Or should I say, biker princess?” His hand moved down her back. If he touched her ass, I’d be forced to intervene.

“Definitely, biker princess. Come back here, honey.” Flint took her hand and reeled her into his possessive hold.

Christ, these two were laying it on thick. They made me sick.

“You both can call me anything you’d like.” Her teasing voice licked down my spine tauntingly and made my cock ache.

You both? How nice of her to leave me out of the mix.

“I saw her first, though.” Flint elbowed Singe.

“No, I did.” The words left my lips unbidden and stole everyone’s attention.

“When?” Hustler asked. The other brother, Spectre, came to Hustler’s side.

Something flashed in Piper’s eyes. It was only there for a split second, but I saw the warning in her platinum-gray depths.

“From across the room.” I extended my hand toward her. “It’s good to meet you, Piper.”

“Same.” Her soft, warm hand set me on fire, then burned out instantly when she removed it from mine. Her gaze returned to the others as if she wasn’t interested in me.

“What’d you think of Pyro?” Flint asked. “Couldn’t even tell he wasn’t Vapor, right? My man killed it on the drums tonight.”

“Yeah, he was good.”

Good? I wasonlygood? Was she deaf? I was fucking fantastic. The bitch had to be messing with me.

“Whose your friends?” Flint moved toward the women who seemed to be waiting for Piper.

I faded back, not interested in meeting anyone else. Jealousy surged through my veins as Flint kept his arm around the biker princess. She played it well, acting like she’d never met me before. That was fine. I wasn’t here for pussy.

Fucking stop already. It makes you crazy how she’s gushing over Flint and Singe, not you.

No, it doesn’t.


“Let’s get this party started!” Flint howled like an obnoxious idiot as he escorted Piper out of the dressing room. He only acted like an untamed moron in front of his fans. When it was only the band, he was totally different. Intelligent. Serious. A gifted musician.

What should I do? Go to the party? I had planned on heading to my room for some solitude, but a fierce force had me strutting toward the lounge behind Flint and Piper.

This is a mistake. You’re already unhinged.


I eyed my supplier sitting in a booth with a woman on each of his sides. Singe didn’t usually do drugs, but he carried a stash in his pocket just in case he wanted to get blitzed. He clearly had better self-control than me. He always knew when to stop. But, like many artists, he worked better under the influence of some kind of substance.

I snatched two shot glasses off a table with a champagne fountain in the center of it. The sparkling bubble made me think of Piper’s decadent mouth. I searched for truffles, but there were none.

“Stop staring at her.” A growl came from behind me.