He shrugged as he drank his beer.
“Well, fuck.” I bit my bottom lip, feeling insecure and like a failure. He wanted me to leave after one time? Fine by me. He obviously didn’t know a good thing when he saw one… or fucked one. Other than my ego being bruised, I wasn’t heartbroken. I used him like he had used me.
But I had difficulty ignoring the damn electrifying chemistry I thought we had. And his stupidly handsome face and iron biceps. And the tattoos decorating his back and arms. Did he have ink on his chest too? I didn’t recall.
I collected my pride and rolled off the bed.
“It’s not you. It’s me,” he said in a low tone.
Was he serious? Cliché asshole. “Just stop. Not another word.” I searched for my clothes. Did he want to humiliate me? Maybe his hot and cold behavior was for the best. I might have actually liked him…
“You’re a beautiful and sexy woman. But I didn’t come for—”
“The pussy. I know. You told me already.” I clasped my bra. When I couldn’t find my thong, I put my jeans on without them, then my blouse.
“Don’t be hurt. I had a good time.”
“I’m not hurt. You gave me what I wanted. It’s all good.” I slipped one foot into my four-inch heels, then the other, wishing he’d stop going on about it.
“Really?” He screwed up his face in confusion.
“Yes, really. Do you feel guilty or something?” I smirked to make him feel like a sensitive pussy. What was his problem? He had every right to ask me to go. It was his room, after all.
He turned away and shook his head.
“Good. Have a nice life… Whatever your name is.” I reached for the doorknob.
“Russell. My name is Russell Cullen.”
I peered over my shoulder at him. “Cullen? Like from theTwilightmovies?”
“Yes, unfortunately. Are you team Edward or Jacob?”
“Neither. I prefer to be bit by a human. Thanks for the epic orgasms.” I winked and left the room.
When the door latched, I pressed my back against it and exhaled. “What a night.” I rushed toward the elevator before Russell regretted his decision to make me leave. I might cave to his every wish if his tongue was involved.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Oh shit.”
“Where were you?” Hustler barked.
“Just taking a stroll.” I entered the metal box.
“Your hair is a mess and you look like you just had sex,” Spectre said. “Who were you with?”
“You’re not my keeper.”
“Midnight said you left with a man.” Hustler crossed his arms over his chest. “If Cobra finds out, he’ll make you go home.”
“Then don’t tell him.”
“Who were you with?” Spectre asked again. “Do you want us to check the cameras?”
“I can’t with you two tonight. I hate the way you treat me. Like I’m a child!”
“We’re only protecting you, sis.” Hustler put his arm around me.
“As you can see, I’m just fine.”