Page 70 of Piper's Pyro

I stepped away from the table. “I don’t appreciate being blindsided this way.”

“When else should we have talked to you? Piper’s not here to speak for you. If you’re going to be with her, you need to be the man, Pyro.” Cobra rocked in his chair. “The bottom line is, if you want to be with Piper, we want you to prospect for the club. Hustler has agreed to sponsor you.”

This was all too much. “Thanks but no thanks.” My hands shook at my sides.

Cobra stood. “Before you shoot down our offer, we don’t expect you to kill anyone. Just learn how to defend and protect our family. You can work at the casino so you can provide for Piper. Not that she’ll let you. She’s set on paying her own way.”

“Does Piper know about this little meeting and job offer?”

“Not officially, but she had to know it was coming.”

Goddammit. Maybe that was why she had run out during our discussion this morning. “I’m going to have to pass.”

“Then you’ll need to leave.” Spectre splayed his hands on the table and leaned forward. “Today.”

“You shut your mouth,” Buff hissed at him. “I’ve about had enough out of you.”

“I’m just protecting our sister from this pathetic junkie. Why don’t you ask him about his drug use? Or mental health file.”

That did it. “You looked into my medical history?”

“That’s what vetting is,” Cobra said unapologetically.

“Fuck all of you!” I stormed out of the room and went upstairs to pack my shit. I couldn’t stay here another day… or second.

I paced on the front lawn, anxiously waiting for Piper. I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. My ride should arrive shortly after her so I could leave quickly. She’d probably cry. Maybe beg me to stay. But after her brothers basically laid down the law on their expectations for me being with Piper, it was better to cut my losses before I fell deeper in love with her.

A truck drove down the dirt road, and I knew it was her.

She exited the vehicle and hesitantly walked toward me. She glanced at my luggage beside me and crossed her arms over her chest as if shielding herself.

“What’s going on? Are you leaving?”


“Something with the band? Is Vapor unable to perform?”

“No, nothing to do with them.”

Understanding crossed her face and she turned toward the farmhouse. “Did my brothers do something?”

I wasn’t about to explain what happened. I didn’t need her fighting my battles. It would be humiliating and emasculating. “We’re just not right for each other.”


“I live in California. You want me to give everything up for you?” The heartless words killed me.

She reared her head back like I’d just slapped her. “No. I would never ask you to give anything up for me. I’m not a manipulative bitch! But I’m trying to make sense of what’s happening. What changed from this morning to now?”

“Me. I changed. I had all fucking day to think about what comes next with us, and not one damn scenario worked.”

“But you haven’t even asked me for my opinion on the subject.”

“I didn’t think I needed to.”

My Uber arrived at that moment, and the sight set Piper off.

“Wow. You couldn’t even stand to stay with me to figure this out, could you? You’re nothing but a spineless, selfish cocksure. You don’t care about me and what I want. All you care about is yourself. Glad to find out the truth before I.” She stopped herself, wiped the wetness under her eyes, and steeled herself. “Goodbye, Russell.”