“Eventful day, wasn’t it, family?” His gaze swept around the room. “Almost losing someone you love sort of makes you put things in perspective.” He looked at Destiny. “Sometimes holding onto the past hurts you more than putting it to rest. This pretty lady taught me that. And Piper’s ordeal cemented it for me.”
“Wise words, brother,” Abe issued him a supportive nod.
“You will always be my mother.” Bone came to me and kneeled. “If there is anything else I should know, let’s get it over with so we can move on. I want to repair our relationship.” He took my hands.
“My sweet boy.” Emotion bubbled in my throat. “I’m so afraid to tell you.”
“I need to hear it, Momma.”
“I’ll tell him,” Ben said. “I was to blame for all of it anyway. I was the one who’d gotten mixed up with Ellie before meeting you.” He put his arms around my shoulders.
Everyone was quiet and stone-faced. They knew my worst sin, and yet, my beautiful family still loved and chose to support me. I was the luckiest broad in North Dakota.
“Yeah, go ahead.” Micah bobbed his head. My hands were still in his, getting coated in sweat. His silent misgivings seeped into my bloodstream. I wished I could save him from the truth, just wipe away the past as if it never happened.
But Micah wouldn’t be my son if the ugly, horrific events hadn’t occurred. We wouldn’t be the beautiful, fiercely loyal Knight family if it weren’t for the evil that had tried to destroy us. For that truth, I wouldn’t change anything.
“I’ll just cut to the part you want to know.”
“Sounds good to me, Dad.”
“Ellie had found Lady M home alone a couple of months after you were born. She was out of her mind and had a knife. She cut Lady M’s arm, and Abe was wailing in his momma’s arms. I could tell Ellie had taken angel dust. She had done it before Lady M was in the picture. It gave her superhuman strength.”
“Wait.” Micah let go of my hands and broke our connection. “Ellie attacked you with a knife?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Yes. I was cornered when your dad burst through the door.”
“And Abe was in your arms. Jesus Christ.” He brushed his fingers through his hair. “So you stopped Ellie from hurting Lady M and Abe. You killed her.” His intense eyes were locked on Ben’s.
“No, baby. I killed Ellie.” The sob I’d been holding back ripped from my chest. “I killed my sister, your mother.” I buried my face in my hands. “I’m so sorry, Micah. But I had to do it before she killed Ben. I’m so sorry.” I braced for his anger and hatred, shielding my heart from his reaction. Whatever he said, out of sorrow and pain, I would try to not take it to heart.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Momma.” He stunned me when he carefully took me into his arms and held me tightly. “I’m so glad you and Abe are here today. You too, Dad.”
“PCP is a horrible drug,” Hope said softly. “Doctors and nurses have been badly injured when a person under the influence is brought in.”
“Drugs, in general, are horrible,” Silas rose to his feet and paced. He looked as if he might explode. “That’s why that addict needs to be removed from our home right the fuck now!”
“What drug addict?” Ben and I said simultaneously.
“Pyro.” Silas pointed up at Piper’s bedroom above us. “No drugs in the house has been the rule my whole life. We shouldn’t make an exception for a drummer getting his jollies off with Piper.”
“Oh God, Ben. What do we do?” I covered my mouth.
“He’s been clean for almost a year and a half, you punk!” Jonah shoved Silas. “You’re out of line, brother.”
“So are you!” Silas punched Jonah in the face. Abe and Micah pulled them apart before it escalated into a full-blown fight.
“Calm down,” Cobra barked. “Both of you.”
“How can I be calm when our sister is with him now. You know, I overheard them talking about not using protection. She could be pregnant by him.”
I shook my head in disbelief at what I was hearing. And here I liked the boy.
Eyes darted around the room. Every person appeared shocked. But nothing could be done while Piper was upstairs resting. God, I hoped she was only sleeping. I raised my gaze to the ceiling.
“I will remove that punk from our home.” Ben stood, and I grabbed his hand.
“No, you won’t. None of you will do anything until I can talk to Piper. I won’t risk losing my daughter. Push her hard enough, and she’ll run away with him, and we may never see her again.”