Page 6 of Piper's Pyro

People passed us. I felt their gawking eyes and heard their whispers flitting through the air.

Piper didn’t seem to care. Neither did I.

Outside my room, I pressed my thumb to the screen on the wall to unlock the door. Aeros Casino was the most hi-tech I’d ever been to without keycards.

Inside, I made a beeline for the bed, dropped Piper onto the mattress, and pounced. “I have two questions.”

“What?” She unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans in a frantic, jerky manner.

“Are you free of STDs and on birth control?”

“Asshole!” She slapped me across the face.

“Bitch, what the fuck was that for?” I pinned her hands above her head. “If you don’t answer yes to both questions, I’m kicking you out.”

“Your fire was burning out. Thought a good slap would ignite the flames.”

I cocked my head. “Seriously?”

“I’m not here to talk. I’m clean and on birth control, but you need to wear a condom, or the fuck fest we’re about to have won’t happen.”

I blinked at the hardcore bitch. “Fine by me.”

We went at each other like a couple of feral, horny dogs. Our clothing went flying. Our shoes hit the walls.

She removed her bra while I tugged her thong off with my teeth. I sucked on her inner ankle and dragged my tongue against her flesh up to her thighs. Everything about this woman drove me mad.

Her sarcastic, pretty mouth.

Her lean yet curvy body.

The scent of her arousal.

I opened my mouth and dug my teeth into her meaty thigh.

“Ow, you fucker!” She clamped my head between her knees. “How dare you bite me?”

“Payback is a bitch.” I pushed apart her legs and held them down on the mattress, spread eagle. “There’s no blood.”

She seethed, her chest rapidly rising and falling. “It hurt.”

“But admit it. You liked the sudden jolt of pain.” I lowered my gaze to her pink pussy. “You’re dripping for me.”

“So are you going to just admire my cunt or eat me out like it’s your last meal?”

“Fuck, you’re brazen.”

“And you’re not the tough guy I thought you were.” Her insult set me on fire. “Do you need me to explain how oral sex works? It’s simple. Lap me up like I’m your favorite flavor of ice cream. Come on… Get licking… I mean, if you know how to use your tongue. If not…” She looked at my dick. “I guess he’ll do if we jump to fucking.” She was cruel and relentless with her digs.

The injustice of it all was I liked how it fueled my lust for her. She was obviously depraved like me. The suit’s words tumbled through my head,“You two are made for each other.”

I wanted to find out if he might be right.

“All right, bitch. I will make you beg for mercy, but I won’t give you any.”

“Promises, promises.” She rolled her gray eyes like she was bored.

I didn’t waste another second. I dove face first, smashing my nose against her clit and fucking her with my tongue.