He could put a bag over my head, so he didn’t have to see me. Or close his eyes when I sucked him off. If he took me from behind like the others, he wouldn’t be forced to look at me.
Wait. What if he wanted to have intercourse?
Roland wasn’t my pimp anymore. I could do whatever I wanted.
I winced when the cuff on my wrist bit into my skin, reminding me I wasn’t free to choose. Dammit, and I’d been so close. Or maybe I only thought I was close to getting away.
Suddenly it hit me. Roland had set me up. He’d made me think I was turning a trick, but he’d used me to pay off his goddamn gambling debt.
I fisted my hands and screamed. How could Roland do this to me? I might not have been his flesh and blood, but he’d adopted me because he wanted a child.
No. Debbie had wanted a baby. Roland had made that clear dozens of times after she left.
Emotion bubbled in my throat. I’d tried to be strong yet sweet to the biker so he wouldn’t hurt me. But I didn’t know if I could keep up this façade.
I was scared I’d never be free to live my life any way I wanted. I remembered my purse and wondered where it was at. Had I left it at the bar? Or had the biker taken it? He wouldn’t find anything valuable in it. The only stuff in it, my treasures, were only priceless to me. God, I hoped he would give it back to me.
The bolt on the door clicked. He was coming.
I perked up and made myself presentable, so he might find me appealing.
“Hey. How’s it going?”
“Good.” I smiled wide, then curled my lips into my mouth when he looked at me like I had horns growing out of my head. “I mean, I’ve been better.” I shook my wrist.
“I see you ate the food on the plate.”
“Why didn’t you drink all the water? I told you—”
“The water wasn’t part of the deal.”
“But you need water,” he growled.
“Why do you care? I drank half of it. I don’t need more, and you can’t make me.” I refused to pee in the bucket near the table. That was why I didn’t want to drink too much water. It would make me have to empty my bladder.
“Oh yes, I can. I won’t hear you out unless you finish the water too.”
“Don’t bully me! I don’t care if you renege and change the rules. I will not be forced to do anything I don’t want to, like pee in that bucket!”
He chortled, glancing at the bucket. “You’re acting like this because you don’t want to pee in a bucket?”
“Don’t laugh at me. It’s humiliating. Roland’s debt is not my fault. I’m not irresponsible like him, yet I’m here having to pay for his fuck ups. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep what little dignity I have left.”
His face fell slack as he stared at me. “Fine. Do you have to pee now?”
“Yes.” I raised my chin confidently.
“All right. I’ll take you to the bathroom, but I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
He removed the chain from the cuff, and my arm flopped to my side. I hissed in pain, unbidden. I didn’t want him to see me as weak.
“Move it.” He ushered me into a bathroom a few yards down the hallway.
I made quick work of it while his back was turned to me. It wasn’t easy to pee in front of a man I didn’t know. Talk about awkward, but I emptied my bladder just the same.