Yeah, sleep would help.
I’d have my game face on when I returned to the basement. I’d scare the shit out of her as Cobra suggested to get her to talk.
I couldn’t have her in my basement and under my roof for long. She had to go as soon as possible.
The kitchen wasn’t stocked well at all. We ate out a lot like most single men. Sometimes Espada cooked when he was in the mood for homemade Mexican food. It wasn’t often, though.
The compound wasn’t like the farm in Fargo. Lady M had done everything under the sun. I never worried about anything, not even having clean underwear in my dresser. My laundry had been magically done.
There was something to be said about having an old lady. There were perks, for sure. But we’d recently had a vote on whether to have club girls at the compound or not. It was a resounding,hell yes,by all but one person. Since I was the president, I had the final say.
Club girl interviews had been scheduled for next week.
“One of you needs to go to the grocery to buy food for our prisoner.” I flicked my eyes at Cash and the new prospects while I gathered what I could find for Destiny.
“I’ll go, boss.” Cash stood from the table. “I have to buy diapers and wipes for Willa.” He strode out of the kitchen.
I put my hands on my hips. “Did you see how exhausted he is? He forgot his keys on the counter.”
The door opened, Cash came back, and snatched his keys off the island. “Need these.”
“Yes, you do. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel.”
“I’ll try not to.” The door slammed shut.
I pointed in the direction Cash went. “And that’s why you wrap up your dick every time you have sex. Do you two hear me? No condoms, no sex. You wrap it up even if she says she’s on birth control. Don’t wanna get any STDs, or your dick will fall off.” I took the plate of food and bottled water out of the kitchen.
“Will your dick really fall off?” Lucky asked.
“No way,” Saint replied. “He’s just bullshitting us.”
I snorted at those two. Lucky and Saint were both nineteen, and those were their birth names. I didn’t question their parents’ name choices. Not my place. I honestly didn’t give a fuck about the whys.
I inhaled a deep breath at the door as I unlocked the bolt. It’d been six hours since I last saw her. Some sleep and a hot shower had done me a world of good. I felt prepared for war.
I entered the concrete room. “I didn’t expect to see you awake.”
“Oh, hi. I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.”
“Don’t sass me.”
“I’m not.” She adjusted herself against the wall and pushed her wild locks off her face.
I set the plate on the mattress. “Brought you some food and more water.” I noticed the full bottles of water and protein bar I’d left on the table were still there. Frustration flickered in my chest.
“Thanks.” She assessed me. “What’s the vest for? You weren’t wearing it last night, if I recall correctly.”
“It’s called a cut, and you were pretty drunk.”
“No thanks to you.” She tilted her head. “Let me see the back.”
I turned around for the helluvit.
“You’re a biker? The kind that does fundraisers or the outlaw kind who sells women for money?”
“We’re not into human trafficking.”
“So you’re the nice kind that gives presents to needy children at Christmas and chains women to walls the other eleven months out of the year?”