Page 52 of Bone's Destiny

“Oh my gosh,” Piper squealed. “Is he engaged to his captive?”

Reign gasped. “No, he can’t be. She’s probably confused. I remember days where I thought I was falling for Keg.”

Buff growled and wrapped his arm around his old lady.

“I just mean, until he knocked me around. Then I remembered he was a villain.” Reign patted my brother’s leg. His face was fire engine red.

“Bone isn’t engaged,” I told the group. “He has something else to talk about.”

“Bummer.” Piper’s excitement deflated. “Micah likes Destiny, though, right?” She looked at Hustler. “You said they were in bed together. He wouldn’t bring a girl to the farm if he didn’t like hera lot.He’s never brought anyone here.”

“You told her they were in bed together?” I shot an angry look at Hustler. “Such a big mouth.” I shook my head instead of cussing him out. Karma was beside me. Her presence kept me calm.

“Sorry. I’d just become a father, and Piper was the first person I saw after talking to Bone. My emotions got the better of me.”

“Clearly. It doesn’t really matter. Destiny isn’t what he’s going to talk about. Just promise me you’ll be supportive.”

Cherish started to fuss. “I should go feed her before all the action starts. I don’t want to miss anything,” Hope said, getting up from her chair.

“I’ll go with you, baby.” Hustler followed. “Come get us when Bone and Destiny get here.”

I massaged my temples.

“Does this have to do with Lady M?” Spectre asked from the opposite end of the room. He never sat near Karma and me. “They had a falling out. We’ve all noticed.”

“Noticed what?” Our mother appeared with a plate of cookies. She’d only been home a week and a half from the hospital and was already baking.

I didn’t know what to say.

“How quickly you’re recovering,” Karma replied. I didn’t know what I’d do without her. She was always saving my ass.

Lady M smiled, but I could tell she didn’t believe Karma. Strange that she would refrain from saying something snarky. Usually, she was quick with the comebacks. Maybe she was stressed about seeing Bone. She had every right to be, considering he planned to call her out on what happened to his birth mom, Eleanor Hebert.

“Uncle Bone is here!” Nova ran down the stairs at top speed. “And he has a pretty girl with him!”

I looked at my siblings as I followed Nova outside. Christ, they better not disappoint me, but more importantly, not Bone.



Three weeks ago, I had been surviving on bread and water, was sickly thin, and oblivious to my dad’s dirty dealings. When I was desperate enough, I used my body to earn money to buy food because my adoptive father controlled everything I did.

Then he gave me to the Knight’s Legion MC to pay off his gambling debt, and my life story had dramatically changed into an enchanting fairytale. Complete with an evil father, a brave and sexy biker, a majestic mountain cabin, and a fair maiden who’d been rescued. She and Mr. Sexy Grump became best friends, sometimes with benefits, and lived happily ever after.

At least, that was the story I’d tell my child if I had one.

The greatest blessing I’d ever received was being held captive by Micah Knight.

I stared at his tense profile as we walked up the walkway toward the front door of his childhood home in Fargo. Admittedly, my stomach was in knots like his. His entire family was inside waiting for us. They expected to meet me, so I was doing everything I could to be confident and not grab Micah’s hand for emotional support. I was supposed to be that for him.

He’d given me an out. Said I could stay in Montana, but I wouldn’t abandon him now or ever. He could depend on me to stick by him. I owed him that much and so much more.

“Can I ask you something?” He stopped just before going up the stairs to the wraparound porch.


“What do you want me to call you?” I felt his unease as if it were my own. My poor guy. “Regarding us.”