Page 51 of Bone's Destiny

She kissed my chest as if saying thank you.

“Whoa, I’m without words.” A first for Hustler. “Then I won’t keep you from your playtime.”

“You’re a swell guy.”

“I know. Just one question.”

“What?” I gritted my teeth.

“Are you gonna come home to meet your newest niece?”


“Excellent. Are you bringing Destiny?”

“That’s two questions, bro.” I peered down at her. “But yeah, I’m bringing her.” I couldn’t leave her for more than a day. Some crazy shit there.

“Great. Text Cobra and me when you arrive. I gotta go. My little biker princess is starting to fuss.” He ended the call.

I place my phone on the nightstand, wishing I hadn’t answered it. “So you heard all that.”

“I did. I guess we’re going to Fargo.”


“You’re a wonderful brother, Micah. I envy the family you have.”

“Don’t. None of us are perfect.” Especially me.

“I didn’t think you were. I can just tell how much you love your siblings.” She frowned and pushed her bottom lip out. “You don’t want to see Lady M?”

“No, but us going out to see the baby might be good. Cobra thinks I should tell the others about my biological mom. Get everything out, so there aren’t any more secrets.”

“I agree with your brother. No real healing can begin until the truth is revealed.”

I cuddled her close and nodded. “Having my friend there will help.”

She lifted her head. “I’m there for you, friend.”

Why wasn’t I happy to hear that? “We’ll leave in a couple of days.”

“Okay. I’ll bake something. You should buy a gift.” She moved so my limp dick slipped out of her. “I’m going to go clean up.”

“You’re okay. No pain?”

“I feel incredible, all because of you.” She kissed me. “Can’t wait til we do it again.” She scurried to the bathroom in her naked glory.

Me too, baby.

If she left me, what would I do? Why was I thinking of myself? I wasn’t the same selfish man I was before meeting Destiny. I should want her to leave and be happy for her. She could have all the things and the life she had taped onto her bedroom walls.

I’d give her money so nothing would stand in her way.



“Before Lady M and Dad come downstairs, I wanted to tell you Bone wants to talk to everyone.” Shit, I was nervous. “Whatever he tells us, we’re going to support him.”