Page 36 of Bone's Destiny

“I’d be down with turkey and all the fixing daily.”

“Really?” Her face brightened. “I guess we have something in common.”

“Guess so.” I folded the chair.

“Leaving already?” She turned toward the small window. It was dark out and after ten. “Wow, time sure flies when you’re having fun.”

Did she say these things on purpose to get to me? This wasn’t fucking summer camp.

“Yep,” I muttered and opened the door. I hadn’t put the cuff on since her first shower. I really didn’t believe she’d try to run away, but I couldn’t let her roam freely around the house. Not yet, anyway.

I locked the steel door and stomped up the stairs. I needed a bottle of whiskey to drown my sorrows in. It’d be great if it helped me to not think of Destiny.

How could the girl remain upbeat, like she didn’t have a care in the world after all she’d been through? I didn’t understand her. She should be devastated and a blubbering mess, not Little Miss Sunshine.

“Hey, boss.” Espada nodded. “How’s the prisoner?”


“I bet. You’re an attentive captor.”

I ignored the smartass, selected my whiskey, and grabbed a glass. “I’m going to bed. Anything I should know about before I drink myself stupid and watch porn?”

“Cash went to the prison to visit the other prisoner.”

I turned around. “How’s the kid doing?”

“Holding his own, I hear.”

“Good.” I shook my bottle in the air on my way out. “Nite.”

Dorian-fucking-Adrienne was lucky I never got my hands on him. Pointing the local authorities in my club’s direction wasn’t something I could overlook. Even if Track had killed the college girl, he was protecting Brynne. I would’ve done the same thing.

But the fallout had been severe for my cousin Storm’s club. Half a dozen cop cars had surrounded the house, and Track and Brynne had barely made it into the forest before agents searched my house. It was the craziest shit I’d seen in a long time. They’d taken us all in for questioning. Six of us went into the station, and only four were released.

I filled my glass half full with the amber liquid and gulped. Why’d I bring a glass when I could drink from the bottle. Saved time and didn’t dirty any dishes. Win-win.

Thinking about everything that went on last summer reminded me why I never wanted an old lady.

I drank from the bottle.

Destiny’s outlook on life was ten times better than mine for someone so young. She hadn’t let her circumstances get her down. She’d kept going. Persevering. Dreaming of the life she wanted. All the while, I’d behaved like an asshole, ruining people’s lives and keeping sweet Nova from her daddy.

Whiskey spilled out the corner of my mouth when I chugged it. I wiped it clean with the back of my hand. Not sure why. What did I care if I made a mess? I was a lousy brother, uncle, and son. I didn’t deserve anything nice. Probably would be an even lousier husband and father if I ever found a woman who made me feel shit.

Destiny makes you feel shit.

Shut up.

I removed my boots, socks, and pants. Placed my cut on the chair in the corner and climbed into my massive bed. I stroked my cock. It’d been almost a week since I had come down her throat. Hadn’t felt the need to have another on my own.

Tonight I felt low and lonely.

I swiped the remote off my nightstand and turned on the flatscreen. Visual stimulation might help me forgeteverything. If nothing else, porn was entertainment.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

“Bone! Wake up, brother!”Thump. Thump. Thump.