I shook my head, tears pooling in my eyes. “No. I don’t… I don’t… feel well,” I stuttered as my knees buckled and I fell into his arms.
“I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay.” He lifted me into his arms and carried mesomewhere.
I rested my head against his chest and inhaled his cologne. “You smell nice.”
He snorted.
“Mr. Grumpy Sexy, I’m angry with you. You didn’t even ask if I was finished with my na…chos.” My mouth felt numb, and my words sounded jumbled together. I lifted my head to see where we were going. My head moved like a bobblehead doll. “What’s wrong with me?”
“You’ll be fine. Take this damn bag,” he told someone. My purse was tugged off me as we went outside. Mr. Grumpy Sexy trotted with me, clutched tightly against him. There was a path with lights illuminating the dark night. Where were we going?
“Stop.” I pushed against his chest. “No. Please don’t hurt me.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.” He put me into something and secured me in place. “You tell our brother this is messed up. It should’ve gone down a different way.”
Who was he talking to?
“I’ll tell him. Let us know when you arrive.”
Arrive where? I should scream, but my mouth didn’t work how I wanted it to.
“Yeah.” There was a slam, then another. “Go to sleep, pretty lady. No sense in fighting it.”
We started moving. It was bumpy and shook me on the bench.
My eyes were so heavy, and I felt tired. “Please don’t hurt me, Mr. Grumpy Sexy.”
“I won’t, Destiny.”
“Scare the shit out of her.”Cobra’s words repeated in my head as I watched the blonde beauty sleep. She’d be scared shitless alright when she woke chained to the wall. I’d set up the basement mechanics room as my brother had suggested. It was the only place in the house that looked creepy and dingy. There was a mattress on the floor and a blanket. Nothing else.
Oh, and the metal folding chair I sat on. I’d take it with me when I left. Wouldn’t want Destiny using it as a weapon to knock me out and run. Nah. She couldn’t reach it. The chain was too short. Didn’t matter. I wouldn’t take any chances with her.
We’d only been back for a few hours. Espada and Cash had picked us up from the airport. Everyone knew about Destiny and that she was my responsibility. Naturally, no one complained. Why would they? Dealing with a woman in the basement was the last thing any of us wanted to do. They’d been relieved the job was mine.
“Wake up, pretty lady.” According to Stitch, she should’ve woken up by now. It was almost six-thirty in the morning. I was freaking out. What if I’d given her too much of the sedative?
You’re not a doctor, and don’t play one on television.
Stop cracking jokes, jackass. This is serious.
Joking was my way of dealing with uncomfortable situations. Not a great coping mechanism considering I didn’t have a funny bone. Christ, I needed to stop.
All joking aside. How was any of us to know how thin she’d be? Like ridiculously thin in an unhealthy way. The picture Cobra had given to me had only shown her face.
Dammit, and I’d taken the nachos she’d been enjoying. The expressions she’d made had turned me on. Eating messy nachos had never been so hot. She’d acted like the tortilla chip was making love to her tongue as she savored each bite. If it hadn’t been loud in the bar, I might’ve been able to hear her moaning in ecstasy. Fuck, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, wholly captivated and wishing I was the chip in her mouth.
I shook away the images of her licking off the sour cream on the corners of her mouth. My freaking cock needed to stand down. What Clearly, Destiny had gotten to me in a very short amount of time.
I texted Stitch to see if there was something I should do. I checked her pulse and breathing. She was alive, that much I knew. I paced the room, keeping my eyes on her. She looked tiny under the small blanket. Should’ve brought a bigger one. Maybe she was cold.
My phone pinged with a notification.
Stitch: If she’s breathing, she’s fine.