Which one of you is going with me?I tapped my finger on my lips, moving from one end of the wall to the other, scouting out my prince. They were all brooding. Some had tattoos. The ones with motorcycles near them made me tingle. I’d never ridden a bike before, but I could imagine the freedom one must’ve felt on the open road and the wind blowing through their hair. I combed my fingers through my long, blonde locks.
No bad boys with motorcycles. They were probably bad news and dangerous. I’d had enough of being controlled and violated.
I pick you, mountain man in plaid.I took the photo off the wall and kissed his full lips. “You’d protect me, wouldn’t you? Keep me warm at night, snuggled in your strong arms, and make love to me. Worship and treasure me for the rest of my life. I’d treat you the same way and cook all our meals.” I sighed dreamily and kissed him again.
How I’d love to run my fingers through your messy brown hair and make you smile. What’s making you seem unapproachable? Would you let me kiss away your worries and fears?
Jeez, Destiny. Get your head out of the clouds.
No, I like living in the dreamland I created.
I shuffled to my closet to get my shoebox filled with my hidden treasures. To others, like Roland, there was nothing but junk in it. To me, it held my most precious memories. I took it to my bed and put the magazine pages in it, then I got my large black purse.
Yikes. It fit snuggly in the bottom. Made my bag look a bit bulky, but maybe Roland wouldn’t notice. If he did, I’d be toast.
Toast. I would love some with peanut butter and grape jelly.
My stomach growled angrily, so I put myself back to bed and sealed my eyes shut. It was around nine hours before I needed to get ready for my next meal. Might as well sleep until then, so I didn’t notice how hungry I was… And dream of my prince in the mountains.
“What the hell, Bone?” I scanned the document with Nova’s name on it. Abe and mine were on it too. “We can’t accept this?”
“Accept what, Momma?” Nova was on Bone’s knee, licking the lollipop he gave her that was as big as her head.
When he had arrived at the farmhouse not long ago, he came bearing flowers and chocolate for me and nail polish colors in an array of colors for Nova and the lollipop. Nova had squealed with glee as any little girl would do. She loved to do her nails, and he seemed to have noticed.
Bone had told me he wanted to repent for his sins. I had snorted as if flowers, candy, and nail polish would make things right between us. Then the grumpy jerk gave me a card and in it was the savings account statement for Nova with a one hundred thousand dollars balance.
“A lot of money for you,” he replied.
“Money? Wow, thank you, Uncle Bone.” Nova hugged his neck. “How much money? I want to go to Target!”
“Too much money, baby.” I shook my head. “Does Abe know about this? Why are you doing this?” I slid the savings account statement toward him on the table.
“It’s a done deal, Karma. You read the card, right?” Perspiration beaded on his forehead. He appeared overheated and nervous.
“Yeah, I read it.” The damn thing had made me tear up. Stupid pregnancy hormones. But I preferred to hear him beg for my forgiveness and grovel on his knees while I stoned him to death instead of reading a store-bought apology card.
“Apologies aren’t easy for me. I don’t do emotions.” He wiped the back of his hand across his brow.
“So what’d you do, randomly pick out a card and put my name on it?” I glowered at the fool before me. “Seven years of her life was lost because ofyou. Abe and Nova will never get them back because ofyou.” My blood pressure shot through the roof. “Seven years, Bone. Never mind my devastation and what I went through because ofyou.You, you, you! No amount of money you throw at us will pay for the destruction you caused.”
Nova gasped, her beautiful face turning white a sheet. “Momma?” Distress flashed in her eyes. Instant guilt spread through my chest for all I’d said in front of her. I was the worst mother on the planet. She was too young to hear this crap. I should’ve maintained control of my mouth. Nova threw the lollipop on the kitchen floor and leaped off Bone’s leg. She ran around the table toward me like a monster was after her.
“Baby, it’s okay.” I took her into my protective embrace. I didn’t think he’d ever hurt her, but he unknowingly had.
“Is he a bad man?” she whispered in my ear, but judging by the remorse and shame on Bone’s face, he’d heard her.
“He made a big mistake,” I told her honestly.
“I did,” he replied, standing. “I’m an awful man.”
“Let me finish,” he snapped, making Nova and me jerk.