“Nah, we got everything worth getting. It’s time to move on,” Dix says with a serious expression. “If Stone has opened the safe.”

“He has,” Stone says from just inside the room. “Feel free to watch the magic. Just stay the fuck out of my light.”

My lips tug into a grin at his arrogant words, but when the loud click sounds in the room and the door opens, we all realize that the Texas Viking has every fucking right to be arrogant. “You did it,” I say with more surprise than I should have.

“Damn, right, I did.” Stone pulls the door open, and we find stacks and stacks of cash, a few more leather books that look like accounts of some sort. Stone hands them off blindly and starts pulling out the cash. “Anybody got a bag?”

“I’ve got saddlebags on my bike,” Preacher says and relieves Stone of the books. “I’ll store ’em ’til we get back to the clubhouse.”

“Hang on.” I lay the books on a flat surface and snap as many photos as I can. “Just in case they don’t make it back with us.”

“Good idea,” Preacher says with a nod.

Stone laughs. “I kind of meant for all this cash, but hey, whatever you guys think is best.”

“Everybody, take what you can, and we’ll divvy it up later,” Ace instructs and takes the can from Joaquin. “Let’s get this shit torched and get the fuck out of here.”

“With pleasure,” Joaquin says and pulls out his fancy Zippo lighter, which Dix snatches from his hands. “Dammit.”

“Sorry, kid. I need to set some shit on fire.”

“Be my guest, old timer.” Joaquin snickers to himself and motions for Dix to set the drugs and MC shit on fire.

A loud whoosh sounds as the flames climb high toward the ceiling, and the room quickly fills with smoke.

“So fucking satisfying,” Dix growls and turns to the rest of us with a smile. “Next?”

“Next, we hit up Smitty’s.” Ace nods toward the door a second before he heads out of the clubhouse, with the rest of us quickly at his heels.

Smitty’s is a shithole bar that sits just off the interstate. It has the feeling of an old-school saloon, which is perfect for the type of shit we’re about to rain down on the Iron Kings. Rock music blares into the parking lot when we pull up, and it provides the perfect cover for stage two. Chaos.

Nova pulls into the parking lot behind the bikes in one of our MC vans, and we all converge to grab bats and axes, knives and clubs, pretty much anything to fuck shit up.

Ace points at the row of bikes out front. “Do your worst, boys.”

We move together like a well-oiled machine toward the bikes. Over the sound of the hard rock music, all I can hear is the sound of bikes being smashed. Shattered windows and windshields, the sound of metal slicing through leather seats and bags.

Seven minutes in, and six bikes are nothing more than heaps of leather and chrome and busted lights.

I step back and grin at the damage. “I’d say we fucked shit up properly.”

“Damn straight,” Ace grins a second before the bar doors swing open, and six Iron Kings spill out, laughing and drunk.

“What the fuck are you assholes…Reckless Souls,” the drunk fuck slurs and pulls a nickel-plated gun from his waistband. “You pussies are dead.” He aims, but the drunk fucker is unsteady on his feet, and the bullet flies right past my head.

Lightning fast, my gun is in my hand, and I’m aiming at the swaying piece of shit. My finger tightens on the trigger, and instead of hitting him in the chest, it strikes his shoulder, and he falls to the ground. “Everybody good?”

“Yeah,” Ace growls. Seconds later, the parking lot erupts in gunfire.

Iron Kings are shooting, and we’re shooting back.

“Shit,” Preacher calls out, and when I look back, he’s on his knees, clutching at his midsection. “I’m hit.”

“I got him,” Nova shouts as he runs from the van toward Preacher. As much as I want to watch Nova examine one of our brothers, we have to put down these fucking Iron Kings.

Dix pounds it out with one of the patched Iron Kings, trading blows as blood flies to the blacktop. Meanwhile, Joaquin is pistol-whipping one of the newer bikers, who is probably regretting his need for danger and excitement.

With gunshots still flying all around, Ace picks off one of the old timers as he charges forward.