She gasps and nods, ready to hear the words she’s waiting for, waiting for the pleasure that will send her over the edge.

Abruptly I pull my cock from her body.

“What the fuck…oh!” She’s confused, and that’s how I want it as I bend over and lick her pussy, hard and fast and sloppy. Her legs wrap around my head and hold me against her pussy while I lick and suck and lap up her juices. “God, Wilder.”

“Not yet,” I mumble against her and slide one finger back into her wet pussy.

“Please,” she begs, and the sound goes straight to my cock.

I sit up and remove my fingers from her pussy. “You ready?”

She nods, wincing slightly when one wet finger slips inside her virgin asshole. “Oh. Wow!”

I smile, and our bodies join together once again. This time, my hips move like a mad man inside of her, pumping hard and deep and as fast as my hips would allow in my dizzying lust-filled state. I’m wild and mindless as I find my pleasure in her body, more pleasure than I’ve ever known.

Her pussy clenches hard once, and I know she’s near her breaking point.

My finger slides a little deeper into her ass, and I smile. “Now babe, come for me now.” My hips thrust deeper and deeper, and I feel the rush of liquid before she squeezes my cock in a dozen hard pulses and then lets go. Her body shakes and trembles underneath me, all around me. “Fuck, Maven.”

She’s gorgeous as pleasure washes over her body. Eyes clench tight as her hips buck up and then her eyes open onto mine, a small smile tips her lips, growing bigger by the second. “Wow.”

“So much fucking more than wow,” I tell her and grip her thighs, fucking her hard and fast until my own orgasm washes over me and seeps into her, sending sharp aftershocks through her body.

“Is this heaven? Because this is more than I imagined it would be.”

At her words, my heart stutters to a stop for what feels like a full fucking hour before it starts galloping against my chest, making it difficult to breathe or to think.

With no words forming in my mind, I lean over and pour everything I’m feeling into a kiss that lasts until I’m hard again, and she’s wet, ready to do it all over again.

And again.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’m smiling so hard my face hurts. I can’t stop. I know it’s silly to feel so giddy after a night of the most amazing sex of my life, but yet, here I am.

I finish off a dozen more Maven Cakes, grinning as I roll them out to the front display where Willow is charming the pre-lunch rush.

“Thank goodness,” Willow moans. “These folks are ravenous,” she whispers to me before turning back to the crowd on the other side of the counter. “We’ve got more Maven Cakes. Remember, if you buy a whole cake, you get a twenty percent discount.”

I grab a clean apron and open the other register because it’s not good business to keep the customers waiting. “What can I get for ya, Reggie?”

The older black man with the big smile points to the display. “I want that pecan praline Maven Cake, the whole thing, honey.”

“The whole thing? Did you up and get a social life when I wasn’t looking, Reg?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I wish. With the increase in violence all over town, I’m just stocking up for a few days, and since that beauty is on sale, today’s my lucky day.”

My brows dip. “Violence?”

He nods. “Oh yeah. That weed shop down on Seventeenth got robbed late last night, and I heard there was an attempted break-in over at that new pharmacy.” He shakes his head. “Damn shame, if you ask me. This town is going to hell in a handbasket.”

His words catch me off guard, and I freeze like a deer in the headlights. “Wow. I hadn’t heard.”

“As it should be. Your place seems to be safe, so no point worrying about things you can’t control. But you won’t see me tomorrow, and I don’t want you to worry. Time to shelter in place, as the news folks say.”

I ring Reg up and box up his cake, going through the motions as customer after customer reminds me of what I’m trying hard to forget.