“What I deserve and what I can afford are two separate things at the moment. In case you’ve forgotten, I also have to cover the cost of what insurance refuses to pay at my house.”

As if I don’t want the nice things, the pretty and silky things inside, I do. ButClothes Mindedis way out of my budget. Even if I had money.

“I haven’t forgotten,” he says, his hand gripping me tighter. “That’s why this is shopping excursion is on me.”

There it goes again, that irresistible smile that turns my insides to mush.

“You want these things. I can see it in your eyes, and I want to give them to you. Don’t deny me this small pleasure, babe.”

His words, the earnestness behind them catching me off guard. Wilder is a man’s man, rough and tough and masculine from head to toe. So, when he softens his voice and eyes and takes that gentle tone with me, I can barely stand on my own two legs, never mind deny him anything.

“You don’t play fair.”

“When it comes to treating you? Never.”

The hand on my waist drops, and I feel an instant chill until he takes my hand and clasps it with his before opening the boutique door. “Let’s get you what you need.”

I roll my eyes, feeling silly about the blush rising up my cheeks, but I take a deep breath and let it out slowly because this is happening. However strange it feels, it’s happening. I need it, and yeah, I want it too.

I browse the store, doing my best to ignore the snooty shop girl as I grab jeans and shirts to try on since that’s what I wear most days for work and relaxation.

I try on three different washes of jeans, three t-shirts, and two tank tops, just to make sure they fit. My normal size is a little loose because of stress, the only silver lining in this shitshow.

“All right, I’m good,” I say, coming out of the dressing room with an armful of new things.

Wilder frowns. “I don’t think so.” He stands and guides me to a rack of dresses. “What about one of these? Or three?”

I laugh. “And what exactly are these for?”

“I’m no genius on women’s fashion, but I’d say they are for wearing.” He hands me an emerald-green dress and one in a pale purple.

“Try these. I bet your tits will look great in them.” There’s undeniable heat in his eyes, and I take the dresses and stow them in the fitting room.

“Is that your shopping criteria, that my tits look good in something?”

He flashes a flirty smile. “If I had my way, you’d never cover them up again, so really, I’m being considerate.”

I laugh at his words and put a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for thinking of me.”

“I’m always thinking of you,” he says in a seriously sincere tone that causes a cluster of butterflies to take flight in my belly. “Oh, this one, too,” he grins and shoves another hanger into my hand.

We walk side by side around the boutique, and Wilder tosses three sets of pajamas and two sexy nightgowns across my arms, along with two handfuls of panties.

“Wilder, this is entirely too much.”

He turns to me with a frown. “Too much? Every item of clothing you own is destroyed. That’s work clothes, recreation clothes, date clothes, pajamas, underwear, sexy shit, and shoes. This is nowhere near enough.”

He’s right, but I’m stubborn. “I don’t need to replace it all in one day.”

“You don’t need to, but this is fun. Come on,” he says and tosses a bright red negligee on top of the pile. “That one is for me, so it doesn’t count.”

“I don’t think it’s your size,” I joke because I’m feeling nervous about this shopping trip.

“It’s perfect to peel off your body with my teeth. Look at all these strings? I could probably tie you up with them and have you at my mercy.”

My body shivers at the heat in his words. “Yeah? Well, maybe I’ll like being at your mercy.”

Wilder’s nostrils flare with desire, and his eyes darken with fire. “You’ll love every fucking minute of it,” he growls with promise in his eyes.