“Come on, Maven.” His hand squeezes my thigh, and my jaw clenches harder to stop the pulsing between my thighs.
It feels good. Erotic.
I want to moan, but I bite down a little harder on the inside of my cheek to stop it. It’s my only focus, and it’s distracting me just enough that I don’t turn to Wilder and let his beautiful blue eyes sway me. Charm me. Nope, not succumbing to that insanity.
Eventually, Wilder sighs and gives my leg another squeeze. “If it’ll make you feel better, Maven, I’ll have Nova meet us at the clubhouse to patch me up. He’s a doctor, remember?”
My only response is a vague grunt. He can do what he wants. “Just take me back to my cell.”
Stone doesn’t even bother to hide his amusement, laughing so loud it echoes in the cab of the truck. “Wow.”
Wilder shuffles around beside me until he’s gripping his phone in his hand, making a big show of his movements just to get my attention. “Nova, man, can you meet me at the clubhouse? Got a bit of a flesh wound that I need you to check out.”
There’s a sigh on the other end of the call, and then a deep, masculine voice sounds, soft-spoken and calm. “I’m at the clinic. Just come here. I have everything I need.”
“The clinic? Man, I might as well go to the hospital like Maven’s been bugging me to do.” I feel Wilder’s gaze on me, but I don’t respond or react. I just watch the road as it zips by.
“You forgot we own this clinic now? It’s after hours, and this place is already sterile. This is exactly why I convinced Ace to use club funds to buy this place, so no, I’m not packing up a bag like some nineteen-fifties doctor making house calls. Get your ass to the clinic now.”
The car falls silent for a long minute until Wilder speaks. “That fucker hung up on me.”
“Y’all own a clinic?” Stone shakes his head. “Smart. Make money all day and get risk-free help when the sun goes down.”
I agree with Stone, but I stay silent. If this clinic is theirs, he has no reason not to go, but men are unpredictable creatures. They’re also big ass babies, so I keep my thoughts to myself.
“Yeah, it’s a recent purchase. Take the next exit and hang a right.” Wilder gives instructions on how to get to the clinic, and I pretend like I’m not still freaking out about the fact that his skin is ripped open and bleeding.
“He’s going to be fine,” Stone says to me, his eyes still on the road. “Flesh wounds bleed as much as the serious ones.”
“Then how do you tell the difference?”
Stone laughs. “If it was a serious wound, he’d be woozy if not passed out already.”
I scoff and shake my head. “Very scientific. Makes me feel a lot better.”
“It is what it is,” Stone says casually. “And we’re here, so you can stop worrying. The pretty fucker is going to live.”
He shifts the truck into park, and we all get out in the alley and knock on a nondescript gray metal door.
Wilder knocks, and when the door opens, the man I assume is Nova appears. He’s tall and lean with big blue eyes so full of emotion I wonder what he’s thinking. He looks past us and around the door before he steps back and waves us inside.
“Come on in. I’ve already prepped a room,” he says in the same soft-spoken voice.
Wilder turns to Stone. “Keep an eye on the exits and your eyes peeled for anything that doesn’t look right. If you spot trouble, holler for me. This place is off-limits, but that means fuck all to Nogales.”
Stone nods. “Got it.” He smiles at me and pushes me toward the hall with Nova and Wilder.
“I’m fine here,” I insist and head to one of the chairs in the waiting area. The last thing I need is to sit at Wilder’s side like a worried girlfriend while he gets stitched up.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” Wilder says and reaches for my wrist. “You’re coming with me.”
“Not necessary. Your friend Nova seems perfectly capable of taking care of you.” I point to the smiling doctor behind him. “He’s got you.”
Wilder pushes his lips out in a pout. “But I need you to hold my hand while he stitches me up, make me forget about the pain.” He leans forward and grins like he’s got a secret. “He seems like a nice guy, but he gets off on inflicting pain. I need you to protect me.”
I roll my eyes at his attempt to flirt at a time like this. “You’re seriously trying to flirt with me when you’re bleeding out?”
“He’s not bleeding out,” Wilder, Stone, and Nova say at the same time.