“And they all live in Russia, right?” Joaquin looks to me. “Isn’t that where the mail-order brides are from?”
“Sometimes they live in New York,” Gia offers with a teasing grin.
I grab my laptop and set up in the corner just beyond the windows so I can see pretty much everything that goes on without being seen. I won’t put it past Cyrus or Nogales to do a drive-by or two just to see who’s hanging aroundFor Goodness Cakes. Gia connects the cameras, and I test each one to make sure we’re getting the right angle.
“Gia, move that camera in the chocolate waffle a little to the left.”
She readjusts the camera and moves on to the kitchen, so it’s just me and the guys.
“You meet Stone yet?” Joaquin looks over his shoulder while he covers all tracks that cameras have been installed.
“Not yet. You?”
Joaquin nods. “Yeah. He showed up just after midnight while we were still partying. It was just me, Dix, and Shades by the time he got in, but he seems like a cool dude.”
“His MC is a chapter of the Reckless Bastards in Mayhem, and those guys are all cool. Gave Coop permission to join our ranks.”
“No shit?” Jordi perks up for the first time this morning, and I nod vaguely.
“It’s true.” Until we know who we can trust, I need to be careful what I say around prospects and other non-patched members.
“Yeah, he seems like an all-right dude. Considering all the shit happening, we could use an extra set of hands, especially with Coop on daddy duty,” Joaquin adds with a shake of his head. “How the fuck is he gonna handle that and his MC duties?”
“It can be done,” I assure him. “Reckless Souls are a lifetime commitment. You telling me you don’t plan on making babies?”
“Sure, but not for many years to come. Too many babes to plow through first.” He smiles with all the mischief of a newly patched biker. “Not like you,” he jokes. “Sharing a bed with Maven and all that,” he teases and wiggles his brows.
“It’s not like that,” I assure him, mostly to protect Maven’s honor. She seems like the type who might care about shit like that.
“So, you’re saying you don’t want a piece of the sexy baker? Because if you don’t, I will.”
Jordi frowns. “She’s too old for you, man.”
“Haven’t you heard, man? Forty is a woman’s sexual peak, and I’m trying to climb that peak again and again. And again,” he howls with laughter just as Maven pushes through the swinging door.
“I’m fifty,” she tells Joaquin with a teasing smile. “And I made you guys some food for sacrificing sleep to come here this morning. Thank you.”
“And she cooks,” Joaquin adds as he steps down the ladder to inspect the tray in Maven’s hands. “If Wilder isn’t gonna make a move, I am.”
“Didn’t you hear the fifty part? Nobody’s making a move on me, young man.”
Joaquin chuckles. “Young man? Are you trying to make me fall in love with you, woman?”
She laughs, and the sound is melodic and beautiful. “I have breakfast sandwiches on two types of bread, with bacon and ham and three types of cheese. All I ask for is feedback.”
Willow pushes through the door next with a frown on her face. “Having a party without me? That’s fucking rude.” Her teasing smile appears, and her gaze lands on Joaquin with wide eyes.
“Damn, how many beautiful women are back there?” He makes a show of peeking behind Maven and Willow, and both women laugh at his antics. “I changed my mind. Totally worth getting up this early.”
Willow’s gaze lingers even as she walks over to me. “All done?”
“Just about. A few more cameras need to go up, and Gia is in the office setting up the local server. Few more minutes.”
She looks around and smiles. “You can’t even see the cameras. How sneaky.”
“That’s the point. Act like a decent human being, and they’ll be fine.”
“And if not?” Willow asks with wide, excited eyes.