Men. They are the root cause of so many problems in the world in general and in my world specifically. Or maybe it’s just me and my shit luck with men. Maybe there’s something about me that attracts worthless men. Willow’s words echo in my head.

Perfect rebound fuck.

Is that what Wilder is? A rebound fuck? He could be.

I smile, thinking about how it would feel to have that handsome young man staring down at me with heat in his eyes, my thighs wrapped around his lean hips while his cock thrusts in and out, teasing me and keeping me on edge until he’s ready for me to explode.

Isn’t that how these young bucks take charge these days, with that hot but offensive alpha shit?

I don’t know, but Wilder is hotter than sin, and at his age, he probably has enough stamina to wear me out, which would be a nice change for a woman my age.

“Stupid,” I growl to myself at those fanciful thoughts.

Sure, Wilder is hot, but he’s surrounded by pretty, half-naked women all day. No way he’s even thinking about an old baker with a big mouth.

“Stop being stupid, Maven. That’s what got you into this mess.”

The truth is an effective bucket of ice-cold water over my hot thoughts, and I sigh in relief, happy I hadn’t let myself get too carried away. Being smart is how I’ve gotten ahead in this world.

Wilder isn’t thinking about me as anything other than his much older charge, a deflating thought but one I hang on to for the sake of my sanity. It’s better this way, really. No need to get my hopes up only to be disappointed in the end.

But as I lie in bed that night, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to feel Wilder’s arms around me, holding me close as we sleep. It’s a silly, foolish thought, but one that brings a smile to my face, nonetheless. Maybe there’s still some hope for this old lady after all.

Chapter Twelve


“We’re meeting out here?”

I frown at the scene before me, the round metal tables where all the brothers, their girlfriends and old ladies, even the club whores lounge around wearing smiles and tossing back drinks.

“It’s informal,” Stella calls out from the bar and shoves a tall shot glass and brown beer bottle toward me. “Ace’ll be out in a minute, sugar.” She winks suggestively, and I ignore that with a smile.

“Thanks, Stella.”

“Anytime, honey.” The sight of her cleavage makes me think of Maven and spending the day with her at her bakery.

The work is far more fucking exhausting than I thought it would be, or maybe I just object to getting up with the sun. Either way, I need a drink or three to unwind before Ace comes in to brief us on whatever shitshow comes next.

It must be serious because Gia is here snuggled up beside Preacher and Letty and Shades are near the window, whispering and smiling at each other like two fools in love.

Fools in love. So many of my brothers have fallen in love recently, and I love it for them, but damn more women to protect is a headache for the club. Not only that but couldn’t any of them have fallen for a shy woman, one who’s happy to sit back and let us call the shots?

Fuck, no.

These feisty-ass girls are determined to be as strong as the men, getting in the thick of things as the rest of us, their safety be damned. And with Maven, there’s another hardheaded woman in the mix.


“All right, guys.” Ace stands halfway between the bar and the door that leads back to the offices and sleeper rooms, a wide smile on his face as he takes in the family gathered in the room. “This isn’t Church, so don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

“I’m not wearing any panties,” Shades calls out with a grin. “I’m happy to bunch Letty’s for you, though.” He whispers something in her ear, and her face turns an alarming shade of red that makes us all laugh.

“First, some good news. The Reckless Souls have another family member. Carmine Rocky Cooper arrived kicking and screaming just like her daddy.” Ace raises the glass Stella slides toward the end of the bar. “To Coop and Kelsey and baby Rocky!”

“To Rocky!” The loud booming cheer shakes the windows, and I relax a little. Maybe this isn’t a shitshow meeting. Maybe it’s just like a fucking live newsletter.
