I nod because I do know. Desperate times is exactly how I ended up in the military. “So, let’s see behind the mask.”
She cracks her knuckles and stretches her neck from side to side, a dramatic show of confidence that she’s totally earned.
“I’m going to give it a shot, and I’ll let you know when I find the mediocre and unimpressive Oz.”
“All right. Thanks.” I go back to the other files Gia stole when Hector kidnapped her and forced her to work for him. “I’m gonna see if I can trace the non-crypto payments between the Iron Kings and their customers. See what pops up.”
Together Gia and I will uncover the exact source of the frame job. I’m sure of it.
“Ace.” Nova steps inside the office and looks around in awe at the shiny new equipment. The servers and the extra computers for the guys to use safely, not to mention the wall of surveillance of all Reckless Souls properties.
“What’s up, Nova?”
He points a thumb over his shoulder. “Doherty is outside. Needs to chat.” The fucking Sheriff. What does he want?
Ace gives a short nod and takes a deep breath as if something else is going on, and I’m on alert immediately.
I stand and look at my Prez. “You good?”
Ace nods, but his expression doesn’t change. “He’s gotta be here about Hector.” Hector is dead, and Doherty will expect answers that we can’t provide without incriminating ourselves.
“I’m coming with you,” I tell him.
“Me too,” Shades adds and claps Ace on the shoulder.
Ace nods and heads toward the door, Shades and I on his tails.
I stop at the door and turn to Gia. “Let me know as soon as you find anything.”
“You got it, Wild Man,” she says in a mocking tone, her eyes as wide as her smile. “I’ll hold down things in here. Go handle your business.” Gia will make a solid Old Lady for Preacher. She’s intelligent, street smart, and she just seems to get that the MC is the priority. Always.
I smile and leave my brand new office and catch up with Ace and Shades.
Doherty stands in the rear parking lot, squinting despite the aviator glasses hanging from his beige Sheriff’s shirt. His thumbs hang from the thick black belt around his waist, one hip cocked out to the side in a classic sign of worry. “Ace, thanks for meeting me.”
“No problem, Sheriff. What can I do for you?” Standing together, I see that Ace mirrors Doherty, the look of two men who don’t know what it’s like to have a moment of peace.
“Two more bodies floated up at the harbor this morning.”
“Shit,” Ace bites out and shakes his head. “Have they been ID’d yet?”
Doherty lets out an angry sigh. “Not yet. Two women, one older, probably around fifty, sixty years old, and the other looks to be a lot younger. Maybe in her twenties. Too beaten and mutilated for a quick ID, so the medical examiner is going for dental records. Same Iron Kings branding they use on their trafficking victims.”
My ears perk up at those words. “They traffic senior citizens now?”
Doherty’s lips twitch. “Fifty isn’t exactly AARP territory, young man.”
I hold up my hands and smile. “No offense intended, it’s just not their usual MO.”
“Exactly what I was thinking. The young girl might be a trafficking victim, but the older one is probably a misdirect.” He shakes his head. “We’ll know about sexual assault after the post-mortem is complete.”
“And what about your guy on Hector’s payroll? Is he off the force yet?”
“No,” the Sheriff sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as if this is just another fire he has to put out. “Internal Affairs takes forever to investigate to make sure they have an airtight case. My hands are tied until they have everything they need. I can’t even put the asshole on administrative leave.” He removes his hat and smacks it against his thigh, a sure sign that he's as unhappy about that as I am.
Ace folds his arms and eyes Doherty carefully. “You’re not just dragging ass because it’s one of your own, are you?”
Doherty glares at Ace, incredulity wafting off his broad shoulders in waves. “Fuck that. Our little agreement,” he motions between himself and Ace, “is for the good of Angel Harbor. Your MC is the lesser of two evils, and that’s fine by me because I’m not some doe-eyed newbie thinking I can stop you. Briseno, though? That little shit is doing this just for cash, which I could respect if Hector wasn’t such a goddamn psychopath.”