“Other than a few scrapes and bruises, we have suffered no losses, and that’s impressive.” A rare smile spreads across his face as he sits back in his high-backed chair.
Dix nods his agreement. “As un-fucking-believable as that is, it’s enough of a reason to celebrate.” With a shit-eating grin, Dix produces two bottles of Kentucky bourbon, his favorite dark liquor. “We’re celebrating because we’ve won several battles, but the war isn’t over, brothers.”
“Exactly right,” Ace adds and looks around the table until his gaze lands on each and every one of us in attendance. “The Kings are going the way of the fucking dinosaurs, but they aren’t there yet.”
“Nogales,” I growl and smack the table. “That slippery motherfucker is like a cockroach. Somehow he always finds a way to survive.”
As long as that crazy fucker is out there, the MC remains on lockdown. None of us want to let our women out of sight, let them roam free while he’s still out there crazy and desperate as fuck.
“We need to take him out,” Ace says emphatically. “The longer he’s out there breathing, the more time he has to rebuild his dying MC.”
“Fuck that,” Shades growls. “We need to get the fuck out there and find this asshole. ASAP.”
“Shades is right. Finding Nogales is the first order of business.” Ace turns to me with a sigh. “Your job, youronlyjob right now, is to search for everything owned by Nogales or Hector, fuck even that asshole Cyrus. Anything that Nogales, or his aliases, are listed on as property holders, bank or government liens, underwriters, co-signers, whatever the fuck else you can think of.”
I nod. “I’m on it. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of a campaign of terror. We take everything he owns, everything he gives a fuck about, anyway we can. Whether that’s a hostile takeover, an accidental fire, police raid, anyway we can fuck with him that will force him to hit back.”
“Got it.” Nogales is good at hiding out, good at saving his own ass without fucking regard to his brothers. Luckily for us, I have a long list of properties owned by Hector and the Iron Kings. “It’ll take a couple hours, but you’ll have it before the night is over.”
Ace nods his approval, and his shoulders relax at my assurance.
“The next order of business is tracking down Jordi and Devon, like yesterday.” Shades rolls his eyes. “My money is on Jordi.”
“Yeah, brother, I get that you have your reasons,” Preacher says with a heavy heart. “But both prospects have been missing for days at this point. It could be either one of them.”
“Or both,” Dix adds with a hint of venom in his voice.
“Whoever it is,” Ace butts in, “we need to find them both to get answers. Joaquin, you spent plenty of time with them as prospects. What do you think?”
All eyes turn to Joaquin, and he flashes a nervous grin. “Honestly? This shit has blindsided me more than you guys. They were both ride or die for the MC.”
Shades snorts. “Funny fucking way of showing it.”
“Seriously,” Joaquin says. “Jordi has a kid sister, and his parents are fucked up. This MC was his career plan, so he could take her from them and give her a better life. If he did this, he had a damn good reason.”
Jordi has a sister? Why didn’t I know that? “If you have any names or addresses for family, send them to me,” I told Joaquin. “Devon?”
He sighs again. “Devon has been dreaming of being a biker since he was a boy, so I can only guess that someone is forcing his hand.”
Shades snorts again and shakes his head. “So we have two angels among us who have no reason to turn their backs on the MC, yet it looks as if that’s exactly what they’ve done.”
His disgust rolls off him in waves.
“To be fair,” I add just because someone has to be the voice of fucking reason around here. “Someone made it look like we traffic humans, so it’s not that unlikely. I just can’t figure out how the fucking Kings could be that sneaky. I mean, most of them have shit for brains.”
Ace nods. “Dix, I need you and Preacher to look into that shipping yard where the Kings receive their shipments. Go in there and play nice with the old man and his daughter. I think Morgan is his name. Not sure about her. Learn everything you can about them. Both of them.”
“On it.”
Satisfied, a small smile touches Ace’s lips. “Joaquin, I want you to keep reaching out to Devon and Jordi. Maybe they’ll answer. Work in the shop while we’re on lockdown. Stay close to Lucky and his brother. They might have heard something.”
“You got it, boss,” he replies with a serious expression on his face.
“Coop. Watch my back. Keep your old lady and the baby in the back bedroom. I don’t want anything happening to them. But I need you out here with me.”