“Thanks.” I take the glass and move to a table along the wall, perfect for watching unnoticed.
“There’s definitely a fucking mole,” I hear a deep voice say to someone, not bothering to whisper in this loud group. “It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“Are you sure about that, Dix? I mean, maybe prison life is still fucking with your head.”
Ace stands in front of the group and lets out an ear-splitting whistle.
“Attention, everybody.”
He’s a commanding presence, waiting patiently for conversations to die down before he speaks again. “Lockdown means we need everybody to pitch in when and where they can. That means if you know how to cook, you’re expected help keep everyone fed. Kenna and Letty will take shifts helping out with Rocky. Everyone else will help clean…make sure we’re stocked on necessities. We’re all in this shit together, which means no slacking. Got it?”
“Got it,” they all roar back in unison.
“I’m glad I have a job to do,” Gia says with a sigh as she drops down in the chair beside me.
“I have a job, too,” I shoot back with more anger than is necessary and definitely more than Gia deserves. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. I didn’t mean you don’t have a job. I just mean that in the MC world, I have a specific assignment, so I don’t have to worry as much about burning pasta for a crowd of hungry bikers.”
I sigh and take her at her word. “Of course. It’s just, am I really in danger?”
Gia scoffs. “Didn’t your house just get shot up by the Kings? Fuck, yeah, you’re in danger. And if you don’t think you matter to Wilder or any of the other guys, you haven’t been paying attention.”
I shake my head, unwilling to hear what she’s saying. “Wilder’s a great guy, but it’s not like I’m hisol’ ladyor anything. I just feel like I don’t belong here,” I tell her and point around the room. “Everyone here is so young. They’re all bikers. They’re already a family, and I’m just an old woman hanging around.”
“Bullshit,” she growls and grips my shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze. “The only person in this whole place who gives a shit about your age is you. I mean, maybe Trudy, but only because she’s been trying to become an ol’ lady since the days of Jesus, and it hasn’t worked. Now, here you are, snagging one of the young hotties.”
I laugh. “You’re crazy. I’m notsnaggin’ hottiesat all,” I say, using finger quotes.
“Well, duh, but I’m also serious and absolutely right.” She points to Wilder, deep in conversation with Preacher and Dix, his gaze full of fire as he stares at me. “Yeah, that’s the look of a man who cares. And don’t deny that you care, too, because I see a lot.”
My heart speeds up at her words, but my brain rejects them on principle. “Hah! That look is only because of hot sex with no strings attached...”
“Keep lying to yourself, girl. I know what I see. And while you’re here, get to know these people and pitch in a little to make life easier for the men who are risking their lives to protect us. I know you’re too chicken-shit to admit that you love him, so do it because he’s hell-bent on protecting you, no matter what the cost.”
I turn to her with a frown. “What do you mean the cost?”
“He’s already been shot, Maven. At your house. What do you think this lockdown is all about? War, babe. It’s coming, and these guys are the only thing keeping us all safe from Iron Kings and their batshit craziness. Some of them will get hurt, and some might even die. For us. For this family you pretend you don’t belong to. But look around. No one is questioning whether you belong. Except you.”
I nod and realize she’s right. I’m a whiny, selfish bitch. Wilder and I are a question mark when it comes to the future, but for now, he’s been wonderful to me. Protective and caring, and the orgasms. Holy shit, the orgasms!
“All right, Gia. You win this round.”
She smiles and finishes off her drink. “I usually do.” She fist bumps me and points to Ace and the other men who slowly leave the clubhouse bar.
“The officers will go to Church, their sacred club meetings and leave the rest here to keep an eye on us while they figure out what comes next. They will plan and organize, and all we have to do is stay in here, stay safe and make their lives as stress-free as possible. It’s part of loving a biker.”
Loving a biker.
Hearing Gia say the words so plainly makes it all clear. Love is love. No matter who these women were before they fell in love, they are now a part of this big crazy biker family, which means I am, too, at least temporarily.
“Okay. I get it.”
“Good. Now I’m going to go wipe Lucky’s gorgeous face into the felt and make him cry like a baby.”
Gia sashays off toward the bar to get her drink refilled before she grabs a stick and challenges Lucky to a game of pool.
Letty stops in front of me with a worried look on her face. “You holding up all right?”