Everything else is on the back burner until this shit hits the fan and lands where it will. As it stands, shit is weird with the MC.

“Something on your mind, Wilder?”

I look up from the dough and smile. “No, why do you ask?”

“Because you’re staring into space and rubbing flour into your hands like it’s lotion.”

I look down and growl. “Shit. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Just roll the dough and use some of those muscles to get it about a quarter-inch thick while you tell me what’s bothering you.”

I can’t tell her everything, but maybe sharing the problem will offer some unique insight. But I’m not one of those guys who shares club business with every chick who warms his bed. “Just trying to figure out a problem.”

“Okay, but you know, two heads are better than one, right?”

I nod and think about the problems plaguing the MC. Jordi is missing, which leaves us a man short guardingFor Goodness Cakes,but luckily Stone is here to fill in. But that’s two prospects gone missing in the aftermath of Hector’s unsanctioned murder, and that’s not a fucking coincidence.

“You know anything about finding a mole?”

She shakes her head. “I assume you don’t mean the animal? I mean, I don’t know how to find that kind of mole either, but I’m a big fan of fiction.”

I laugh and motion to the dough. “Better?”

Her face splits into a beautiful smile. “Perfect. Now use this cutter and make as many cookies as you can, rolling out the remaining dough again and repeating. Got it?”

I nod. “So you’re offering me a fictional version of finding a mole?”

“Smart ass,” she says and lays out several long rolls of dough and brushes them with butter. “What I’m offering you is a common thread throughout the mole-finding genre.”

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’m listening.” That’s just another sign of just how far gone I am over this woman.

“Well, when it comes to finding a mole you have two routes you can take. The first is if you have a suspect or two, then you set a trap aimed at them specifically. The other is if you have a motive but no suspect, you set a different kind of trap that usually involves money or sex.”

Damn, I hate that she’s making an odd sort of sense. “So, basically, set a trap?”

“Exactly,” she smiles. “The key is using the right bait to lure the mole to the surface. The risk is too great otherwise.”

I hate the idea that someone we let close to our MC might be betraying us, but now isn’t the time to let sentimentality get in the way of finding out who that is. We can mourn him later. Right now, the goal is to identify the mole and his motives.

“You’re pretty smart, you know that?”

Her cheeks blush prettily in a way I didn’t even think women still possessed.

“I have my moments. I hope it helps.”

Unable to resist the way her pink tongue slips out to slick across her lips, I round the stainless steel table and cross to her, cupping her face in my hands.

“I think it will help. Thank you, Maven.”

Before she could tell me that she didn’t do anything, I take her mouth and kiss her soundly, deeply, and with all the desire I have for her, pouring it into her. I want this woman to know that she’s special, that she’s more than a few mistakes.

“Oh, God, will you two get a room?” Willow says, clearing her throat loudly.

Willow’s words pull us apart, but our gazes remain on each other, neither of us able to look away after another breath-stealing kiss.

“Technically, this is a room,” I tell Willow with a grin. and finally, we both turn to her.

“I’ll let you get away with that, but only because I want one of your biker brothers.”