Without breaking apart he sweeps me up into a bridal hold and carries me to the bed, laying me down. He pulls away, his face still close to mine. “I plan on fucking you in every part of this place, but first we’re marking this bed.”
Sweet baby Jesus this man.
He steps back, admiring every inch of my body. He reaches out, trailing his fingers ever so lightly, barely the graze of a feather, over my collarbone, then down one arm, the other, over each of my legs, my feet, back up my torso. He glides his fingers under each of my breasts, down to my belly button.
He leaves for a moment and returns with a bottle of lube. Before I can ask what he’s doing he tips the bottle, dripping it over my body.
I swallow thickly at the heat in his eyes.
“Push your tits together,” he commands, there’s no room for arguing with him.
I do as I’m told, his eyes flashing with delight.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs. “Absolutely perfect.”
His big body crowds over me, shadowing me. I want to reach out to touch him, to run my hands along his biceps and strong shoulders, but I know if I move my hands I’ll be in trouble—the devilish part of me wants to see what he’d do if I disobeyed him, but right now I’m too intrigued by what’s to come.
He strokes himself, a sly smile tipping his lips.
Yeah, yeah, I like to watch. Sue me.
I’m pretty sure any sane red-blooded woman would enjoy watching Hollis pleasure himself.
I watch him, my eyes never straying as he rubs his thumb over the tip.
He lines up his pelvis with my breasts and looks into my eyes. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t have to, I see it all. It scares me, the depth of emotion in his eyes, because it’s something I never thought possible or expected from him.
I never expected this thing between us to mean something to either of us, especially him, but it’s become so much more.
When he begins to fuck my breasts I’m not prepared for the amount of pleasure I feel. Especially when his eyes roll into the back of his head. Watching Hollis lose his control because ofmehas singlehandedly become one of my favorite things.
He’s this beautiful beast of a man and I can bring him to his knees.
Never underestimate our power as women. We can make a man bend to our will if we want—and Iwant. Hollis might think he’s in control now, but not for long. He can have his way with me now, but Iwillhave my way with him, I’m biding my time.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he grinds out between clenched teeth.
The veins in his neck strain and sweat beads on his brow.
“Do I make you feel good?” I ask.
“Fuck yes,” he answers on a rasp.
I can’t hide my pleased smile.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I need to be in your pussy now.”
He starts to pull away, to get a condom, but I lock my hands on his wrist.
“I’m clean—are you?”
“I got tested before we ever … I wanted to be sure,” he admits.
I nod. “I’m on birth control.”
“Fuck, that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.”
He moves down my body and I spread my legs, he settles between them and hooks his arms around my legs, lifting them up.