Page 50 of Wild

She opens her closet door and taps a finger against her chin.

“I need something that looks likeme,” I explain. “I have to go to the studio after class.” Thankfully I’m not working at Sub Club today. “I don’t need my dad acting suspicious. I told him I might crash here since we were in the studio late and if I show up in yesterday’s clothes, he’ll know I didn’t come here.”

Then again, he is a man and they can be oblivious so he might not even notice.

She looks me over, waiting for something. When I don’t give her what she wants—which I don’t know what it is anyway, she asks, “Hollis?”

I press my lips together, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. I nod slowly. “Yeah.”

“You dirty girl.” She smirks, hands on her narrow hips. “I’m impressed. How was it? Did he have a monster cock? Let me tell you, Rush ishung. I barely knew what to do with all of it andthatis saying something. Luckily, I’mverycreative.”

I search for the right words. “It was … unbelievable,” I finally settle on. I don’t remark on her Rush comments, it’ll only encourage her to go into details I don’t want, or need.

“That good?” She raises a brow.

“So good,” I supply. My toes want to curl from the memories alone.

“Wait…” She narrows her eyes. “Where’d you do it? His hotel?”

I’m tight-lipped, eyes shifting.

“No,” she gasps, hand flying to her mouth. “The studio?”

I nod.

“Oh my God, I’m so proud of you.”

“Kira,” I hiss.

“What? There’s nothing wrong with being uninhibited every now and then. It’s about time you lived a little.”

“Yeah,” I begin, “but it’s Hollis of all people.”

“So? He seems pretty nice to me, cocky sure but lots of guys are. Rush is too. It doesn’t mean they’re bad guys. Besides, you’ve dated far worse than Hollis, and not nearly as hot either.”

She’s right, but I still find myself being hesitant. I’ve been burned in the past, it never really hurt because I was never invested in the guy, not in the way I should have been. But Hollis? I actually like him despite trying not to, and I know if he breaks my heart it’ll hurt unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it goes.” I shrug, because I don’t have anything else to say.

She pulls out a dress and holds it up. “How about this?”

“Are you crazy?” I shriek, looking at the tiny scrap of fabric.

She cackles. “I wanted to see your reaction.” She stuffs it back into the closet and instead hands me a pair of jeans and…

“A Willow Creek tour shirt? Really, Kira?”

She points at it. “Hey, that’s from their first major tour. It’s practically vintage.”

I look down at the dark blue t-shirt with Willow Creek’s logo of a glowing willow tree and tire swing. “And you don’t think we have plenty of these at home?”

She snatches the shirt back from me. “You’re no fun. I thought your dad’s reaction would be funny if you showed up in it.”

She pulls out another shirt, a simple baseball tee. “That’s better,” I say, heading for her bathroom. I lock the door behind me and freshen up. Breakfast didn’t take too long, but class is starting soon leaving no time to dawdle. I wash my face free of lingering traces of makeup and brush my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. I change into Kira’s clothes and gather mine in my arms to toss in my car.

When I open the door, Kira is already dressed in a pair of high waisted shorts with a body suit underneath. She ties a plaid shirt around her waist and fluffs her hair. Somehow in the time I was in the bathroom she’s managed to apply makeup. The girl has makeup lying around everywhere so it isn’t like she’d need to be in the bathroom to put it on, unlike me who has the bare minimum and definitely no spares.

We head out together and she locks the door to her apartment.