Page 26 of Wild

I laugh, tucking my hair behind my ears. “That’s exactly it.”

As we eat Hollis asks, “Did you go to regular school or were you homeschooled because of travel?”

“I actually went to a regular public school most of the time. But whenever the band toured all of us kids went along and we had a tutor.”

“Are you all close?”

“Nuh-uh. It’s my turn to ask a question,” I sing-song, wagging a finger at him in warning. I hate to admit it, but talking to him is easy. When he’s not being an overt flirt he’s kind of nice to talk to.

He sighs. “My bad. Go on.”

I take a bite of my pasta and think. “What makes guys like you make a sport of bedding as many girls as you can?” I challenge.

He twists his lips in thought and counters, “What makes you think I’m one of those guys?”

I tilt my head and give himthe look. “I’ve seen pictures. Don’t act like you’re a saint.”

“Googling me?”

I shake my head. “No, you’re plastered all over my Instagram feed because every girl in a hundred mile radius is jumping at the chance to be the next to land in your bed.”

He winces. “It makes me sound … conceited.”

I snort. “Youareconceited.”

He chuckles. “I guess it’s true. Now answer my question.”

“Yes, all of us kids are close. Like cousins. My dad’s bandmates are my uncles and their wives my aunts.”

“Having a big family sounds nice. At least I have some family, but…” He trails off shrugging.

“Talking to you is easier than I thought it would be,” I admit quietly.

His eyes twinkle. “Why—did you think it would be difficult to talk to someone so devastatingly handsome?” He rubs his chiseled jaw.

I roll my eyes at him. “You wish. The way you came off at first was so full of yourself, but…” I pause, searching for the right way to phrase it. “I see now it was an act. A shield. To protect yourself.”

His lips part and I realize I’ve stunned him. I have a feeling Hollis Wilder is rarely ever surprised.

“If no one knows the real you, then it doesn’t hurt when they leave or try to sell you out,” he confesses.

“Why let your guard down now?” I can’t help but ask.

“I guess I sense a kindred spirit in many ways.”

He stares at me with those strangely golden eyes and it feels as if he can see all the way down to my soul.

We’re toeing a dangerous line, but I stay seated. I don’t leave—I don’t want to.



The weekend arrives and with it a strange feeling. One I’ve never felt before and don’t even know how to describe, but I know it stems from the fact I won’t see Mia for the next two days. Maybe longer, depending on her work schedule.

We have an understanding now, maybe even a friendship, though I still can’t help but rile her up at times. It’s too fun.

I don’t think the guys know yet how much time I’m spending with her. At least, I pray they don’t and I’m not the praying type. They’ll skin me alive and hang me by my toes if they learn I’m hanging out with Mia, even if nothing is going on.