Page 140 of Wild

“Actually, we find you annoying as shit,” I joke.

“Ha, ha, ha,” she fake laughs. “Oh,” she says, and reaches for her bag. She pulls out an envelope and slides it across the table to me. “Make sure and give that to my brother—when he goes to open it record that shit and send it to me.”

“What’d you do?” I ask, reluctantly taking the envelope.

She shrugs nonchalantly. “Nothing too bad. Promise. It’ll behilarious, though.”

I glance down at the envelope. “It’s not going to … explode is it?”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t be stupid.”

“I’m the stupid one?” I retort.

“One time—one fucking time,” she holds up one finger, “I thought I had a penis. I wastwo. You have to let it go.”

“No, never happening.”

She groans.

“You asked to see mine,” I continue.

“Oh my God.” She covers her face. “Again, I wastwo.”

“You still asked.”

She picks up her plate. “I’m going to another table.”

“Aw, come on. You know I’m only kidding.”

She shakes her head. “One brother by blood—but I have three more I didn’t ask for.”

“At least you don’t torment all of us like you do Cannon.”

She grins and settles back down. “Only because you three would get a kick out of it, but Cannon is such a fucking control freak he gets all worked up overeverything. He makes it way too easy and fun to mess with him.” She takes a bite, chews, and swallows before continuing. “Honestly, he acts like the kind of guy who wears slacks, button ups, and ties to work. Not covered in tattoos and piercings.”

“Hey,” I shrug, raising my hands, “looks can be deceiving.”

“Yes, they can be,” she agrees. “Now tell me, why are youreallyback here?”

“I told you—to see my mom.”

“What’d you fuck up so bad you had to come running back to mommy? Does this have something to do with that girl I keep seeing pictures of with you? Her name is Mia right?”

I sigh, knowing she isn’t going to let this go. “Yes. Her name is Mia and I fell in love with her.”

“You?” She snorts in disbelief. At my look she adds, “Oh my God, you’re serious. You fell in love?”


“What happened?”

“I fucked up, like you figured.”

“Did you cheat on her? Sell nude pictures of her? Kiss her best friend?”

“No, not any of those.”

“Then I can’t see what could possibly be so bad.” She pulls her dark hair back, securing it with an elastic.