Page 137 of Wild

“Happy birthday to me,” I sing glumly, blowing out the single candle in the cupcake Kira set on the bar top in my kitchen. I rest my chin in my hand feeling glum.

Hollis is gone. Cannon, Rush, and Fox too.

The town suddenly feels so devoid of life—like something vibrant and essential has fled.

“Cheer up, Reese’s cup,” Kira says, hopping up on the counter with her own cupcake in her hand. She peels back the wrapper and takes a bite. “It could be worse.” The words come out distorted around her mouthful of cake and icing.

“How could thispossiblybe worse? My dad hates me. He fired the band. He punched my boyfriend. And now my boyfriend is gone. Hell, my boyfriend isn’t even my boyfriend anymore.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It can’t get much worse,” she says with a playful smile and a shrug. “But, girl, it’s your birthday. You’re twenty-three now. We have to do something to celebrate.”

“I don’t feel like celebrating,” I tell her. “I’m staying home, eating chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips, and watching Netflix in my jammies. I’m not deviating from that plan,” I warn, holding up a finger to halt any protests she might have.

“Fine,” she grumbles. “Honestly, that sounds amazing. I miss Rush.”

“You miss Rush?” I ask shocked, taking the candle out of the cupcake. I take a bite. Red velvet, my favorite.

“What?” she asks innocently. “He knows how to fuck—which is more than I can say for most guys our age. Do you have any idea how many men don’t know what a fucking clitoris is—if they think they’re going to orgasm and I’m not, they’re sorely mistaken.”

“Well, if you’re staying, I think we should order pizza.”

“Mmm, pizza,” she hums. “I’ll order it now.” She does and then we pile on the couch, beneath several layers of blankets, and I putBeauty and the Beaston because I love the movie and for some reason it makes me think of Hollis and me. Clearly, I’m trying to make myself even more miserable.

When the pizza is delivered Kira jumps up and pays for it despite my protests. She insists it’s my birthday and I deserve it.

Hollis is gone for good now. Never coming back.

Not mine. Not anymore.

“There were plenty before you and there will be more after you.”His words echo through my skull.

He was lying, I know it, but it doesn’t mean it hurts any less.

What we had,have, is real and nothing he does or says can convince me otherwise.

“Have you heard from him?”

“Who? Hollis?” I ask stupidly.

She smiles but quickly hides it. “No, your dad.”

I snort. “God, no. I’m still mad at him. He’s called, but I don’t answer. I talked to my mom though. She feels awful. She tried to stop him from showing up here, but…”

Kira tilts her head. “But no one, not even your mom, can stop him when he’s out for blood?”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “He’s something when he’s angry.”

In a soft voice she says, “Have you ever stopped to think maybe it’s because you were kidnapped? Something like that has had to have lasting scars on your parents and dude’s take shit like that harder anyway. They have to be the hero and protector, all that jizz.”

“It’s jazz.” And my daddidmention the kidnapping as having a profound effect on him, and I can understand, but he needs to realize what’s acceptable behavior and what’s not.

“I like my version better.” She grins, tucking her legs under her before grabbing another slice of pizza.

We pig out on pizza and ice cream before crashing in my bed—Kira claiming she’s too full to make it home.

She falls asleep almost instantly, but I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about Hollis, how I planned to celebrate today with him at my family’s house like always, but instead I’m sulking with Kira.

Everything went from the best time of my life to the worst.