Page 134 of Wild

“You ready, man?” Cannon asks, poking his head in the door with a pitying look.

I hate that look. I’m the last person he should be pitying. It’s my fault we’re in this predicament.

“Yeah,” I sigh, hauling my bag over my shoulder, and wheeling my suitcase behind me. A lot of my stuff is still at Mia’s. After what I said, what I did, I couldn’t go back for it. I didn’t want it anyway. It’d only be another reminder of what I had lost. I figure she can do whatever she wants with it. Keep it, donate it, light it on fire for all I care.

“Are you sure about this?” Cannon asks me as the four of us get on the elevator.

“It’s for the best.”

He gives me a doubtful look.

I know Mia wants me to stay, fuck she’d alreadychosenme over her family, but I won’t be the wall standing between them. I refuse to be that kind of guy.

“Maybe you should talk to Hayes?” Fox suggests.

I snort. “Yeah? And say what—sorry I willingly lied to you about the one thing you made me promise not to do?”

Rush groans, leaning his head against the side of the elevator. He’s subdued, dejected and guilt eats at me for being the reason why. “That might not go over too … uh … well.”

“Ya think?” I glare at him.

“It just seems to me like,” Fox pipes in, not to be left out, “this whole thing could have been sorted if the three of you—Mia, Hayes, and you—had just acted like fucking adults.”

He’s not wrong.

I think it’s truly hitting all of us, now that we’re leaving the hotel—leaving this town for good—just how screwed over we are.

My stomach roils.

I did this to them. To my friends. My selfishness cost them our dream.

The doors open to the lobby and outside we get into the waiting Uber SUV.

Their cars and my bike are being left behind. We didn’t earn them.

We pile our bags inside and I take the front passenger seat, so I don’t have to be beside any of them. Listening to their bickering or feeling their concerned but annoyed stares.

Luckily, they keep their mouths shut during the hour drive to the airport.

We unload our stuff and head inside, checking into our flights.

“This is where I leave you,” I say, taking a step back.

“Wait…” Fox grins. “Are you going back for her? Are you going to make things right with Hayes?”

I shake my head forlornly. “No, I’m not going back.”

“Where the fuck are you going then, man?” Rush asks, puzzled.

“Home,” I answer.

“Uh … so you are coming with us then?”

“No,” I say adamantly. “I’m goinghome.”

Cannon claps me on the shoulder, a toothpick is held between his teeth, a sign he’s desperate for a cigarette. “Tell your mom hello for us. If you see my parents tell them I’ll be home soon—and tell my sister to stop sending me pictures of random dicks and asking me to rate their attractiveness for ‘research purposes’. Those are not the kind of naked picturesIwant to see.”

I snort, surprised I can find humor in anything. “Calista always did love fucking with you.”