Page 87 of Wild

He lets go of my hand and I barely have a moment to blink before I’m slung over his shoulder and carried down the deck of the restaurant and on to the street.

“We’re going to the hotel and you’re staying there,” he says. “Your apartment is close, but this is closer.”

His tone impliesargue with me and I’ll spank you.

Unfortunately, now I only want to argue with him.

“Take me home you buffoon.” I beat at his back. “I’m going to throw up if you carry me like this,” I warn. “Although, this costume is vomit inducing as it is. You’re lucky I didn’t retch all over you the moment I saw you.”

He smacks my ass.


In the public.


He spanks me again. Harder this time.

I decide to shut my mouth as we reach the hotel and he carries me inside and to the elevator.

I’m sure it’s a sight to see someone dressed as Joshua Hayes with a drunk Poison Ivy over his shoulders—a Poison Ivy, might I add, who’s carrying two boxes of leftover food dangling from a plastic bag hooked on her index finger.

Halloween—it brings out the freaks in all of us.

Cannon and Fox get on the elevator with us—Kira and Rush no doubt going back to her place.

Lucky bitch.

I want to be inmyapartment but my boyfriend has this annoying habit of doing the complete opposite of what I want.

He carries me into the suite, straight to his room and deposits me in the bathroom.

“I need to pee,” I whine, tearing at my costume.

He sighs. “Hold still.”

I turn my back to him and he works slowly to undo the ties of the corset.

“This get-up made your tits look fucking amazing, but holy shit this must be a torture device.”

“You have no idea,” I admit.

He finally gets it loose enough to help me wiggle it off.

I’m completely naked except for the tights as I stumble to the toilet.

I don’t even have the capacity to yell at him to get out while I pee. He’s not paying attention though. Instead, he’s turning the water on and filling the large soaking tub. There’s some bubble bath and salts provided by the hotel and he dumps those in too.

I finish peeing, flush the toilet, and wash my hands.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

He glances at me over his shoulder as he reaches down testing the temperature of the water.

“Running you a bath.”

“Why?” I ask.