Page 73 of Wild

“Devil woman,” he mutters.

I can’t help but crack a smile. “Hmm, has a nice ring to it. Mia ‘Devil Woman’ Hayes.”

He shakes his head and reaches for another box.

“You know what else has a nice ring to it?” he asks, and from the dangerous glint in his eyes I know I’m in trouble.

“What?” I ask breathily.

“You gagged by my cock shoved deep inside that naughty mouth of yours.”

I choke on air while he disappears inside with the box.

I shake my head and reach for something to carry, already plotting how to get him back.

* * *

The apartment is empty,only I remain since Hollis had to leave with the others in order to not raise any suspicions. I survey the space. The guys got all the furniture together and even helped me put things away—Hollistriedto put my lingerie away, but I stole the box from him while he laughed.

Curtains and blinds hang from the windows sheltering the space in a quiet darkness. A colorful rug rests beneath the simple black leather couch and wooden coffee table. I made sure to get muted furniture because I wanted to add pops of color throughout with pillows and other accessories. Since it’s dark outside I have the lights turned on and the lamps add a nice warm glow.

I can’t believe this place is mine. Moving out was a hard, difficult decision for me to make, but it was time. With school, work, and practically my entire life here it made sense. I’ve been too scared to do it in the past, but it was time I shoved it aside and took the leap.

I take a shower and change into a pair of gray sleep shorts and a tank top. Padding into the kitchen I fix myself a drink, knowing Hollis will be here any minute.

Sure enough, ten minutes later there’s a knock on my door.

I open it and find him standing there with a goofy smile and a bag of takeout.

“Delivery for Her Royal Highness Devil Woman.”

I shake my head. “Get in here.” I tug on his shirt and he stumbles inside. I close the door with my hip, clicking the lock back into place.

“Eager to see me?” He smirks.

“Nah, it’s the food I’m excited for. You’re a mediocre bonus.”

“Mediocre,” he scoffs. “I’ll show you mediocre again, and again, and again,” he whispers huskily in my ear.

“Promises, promises. Let me see some follow through.”

He narrows his eyes.

In a flash he’s tossed the takeout bag onto the counter and has me lifted over his shoulder.

“Hollis,” I squeal, the air going out of my lungs a moment later when my back hits the couch.

He grabs something from his pocket and in seconds one cuff is around my wrist and the other is secured to the metal leg of the couch.

My jaw drops. “Did you handcuff me to my couch?”

He smirks from above me. “If I remember correctly, I told you the first time we fucked I was handcuffing you. I didn’t make good on my promise yet, so now I am.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Unbelievably charming, sexy, bad ass, should I go on?”

“Only if you want me to kick your dick.”