Page 48 of Wild

“Yeah, I know,” she says, putting me out of my misery.

She gives me a hesitant smile and I smile back. She squares her shoulders then, sitting up straight as if she’s shaking off any lingering embarrassment.

“So,” I begin and hesitate, “we’ve decided neither one of us regrets it, but where do we go from here?”

I know what I want, but I also know she might not be as sure as I am.

She shrugs her small shoulders. “I don’t know.” I start to deflate. “I guess we take it one day at a time and see where it goes.”

I perk up at her last words. “I’m okay with that.”

“Good.” She gives me a small smile.

“Here you go guys,” the waitress sets down our plates—three for me, one for Mia.

As the waitress walks away Mia stares in disbelief at all my food. “Are you seriously going to eat all of that?”

I start peppering my food. “Uh … yeah. I ordered it all for a reason.”

She shakes her head muttering, “Too much food,” under her breath.

“It takes a lot of food to look this good,” I joke, rubbing my flat stomach.

She takes the pepper from me, sprinkling some across her omelet. “Whatever you say.”

I dig into my meal, eating faster than I should, but I feel as if I haven’t eaten in days, maybe even weeks. I ordered eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, biscuits and gravy—basically an entire smorgasbord.

It’s all delicious and Mia can barely lift her fork to her mouth as she watches me with … horror? Or is she impressed? I mean, she has a little brother, she should be used to how much a man can eat.

“Eat your food,” I command her around a mouthful. The last thing I need is her leaving hungry. I’ll feel super guilty and think about it all day instead of focusing on what’s happening in the studio like I should.

“What time is your first class?” I ask.

“Not until ten today,” she supplies. “I wish I could change my clothes, though.”

“Can you borrow something from your friend?”

“She lives near here and I know she’d let me, but then I’d have to explainthis.” She wags her fork between me and her. “She’ll never let me live it down.”

I shrug. “She’ll probably find out anyway.”

“Why?” she narrows her eyes angrily likeI’mthe one who will spill the juicy details.

I tilt my head to the side. “Because you’re best friends and best friends have the annoying habit of figuring everything out before you even open your mouth.”

She lets loose a small laugh. “You’re right about that. Plus, Kira is tenacious. If she wants to know something she won’t let go until I tell her every detail.”

We talk a little while longer before we finish and stand to leave. I insist on paying for both our meals even though Mia balks the entire time. She might think she’s not my girl, but she is, and I’m taking care of her.

I have her drop me off close to the hotel, but not close enough for us to get caught together by her dad or my friends. The consequences would be dire either way.

I give her a kiss before I duck out of her car and she blinks at me in surprise.

I grin from ear to ear and watch her drive away.