Page 103 of Wild

“I don’t know,” she worries her bottom lip between her teeth. “I’ll think about it.”

Dad yells down the steps then, calling us all up to the table.

“Let me know how it goes—whatever you decide,” I tell her.

We hop up from the couch and I see Hollis hanging behind so I do the same.

Addie looks back at me and I wave her on. “I’ll be a second.”

She hurries up the steps without a backward glance.

Rush, before starting up the steps, gives the two of us a look and pumps his hips.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He winks. “And there’snothingI won’t do, so have fun, children.”

He runs up the steps after the others taking them three at a time.

I know we can’t linger long before my dad will barge down the stairs in search of the two of us, but Hollis doesn’t give me a chance to voice this.

He closes the distance between us swiftly, grabbing my face roughly between his hands. He kisses me quickly, desperately. It’s a bruising kind of kiss.

He lets me go and steps away. “I had to kiss you before I couldn’t for the rest of the evening.”

I touch my lips where they still tingle from his.

He flashes a cocky smile, pleased with himself for rendering me speechless.

“I know I’m a good kisser, but I didn’t know it was possible to stun you into silence. I’m impressed with myself.”

I snap out of my revelry. “I hope you go home and write about it in your diary.”

“Oh, I will.” He smirks.

“Is it pink and sparkly?”

“Of course—I even hot glued my name in sequins on it and the first page is marked with Future Mr. Mia Hayes.”

I bust out laughing. “I can’t handle you.”

He growls lowly. “You can and you know it. You’re the only one.”

“True.” I flash him a smile and hurry up the stairs with him chasing me.

“Gotcha,” he says, his hands winding around my waist.

“Got what?”

Hollis’s hands disappear instantly from my waist at the sound of my dad’s voice.

“Got me,” I say. “I started to fall and he caught me.”

My dad looks from me to Hollis. “Thanks for looking out for her.”

With those words he heads into the dining room with his plate.

Hollis and I both breathe an embarrassing sigh of relief. I lead him to the kitchen where my mom has everything laid out buffet style. We learned early on having everything spread out on the table only led to disaster.

I grab two plates handing one to Hollis.