Page 131 of Pretty Ugly Promises

We drive in circles around the parking lot until it’s completely dark out. I glance at the clock. Everyone will be waiting at the tarmac by now.

“We’ve got to go, buddy.”

Leo doesn’t argue, but I feel his disappointment hovering like a tangible thing. All the questions I ask on the drive back to Lyla’s condo are answered briefly until I give up.

A curtain flutters in the window as I park outside the brick building. I smile to myself, unsurprised Lyla is anxiously anticipating our return. Leo sees it too.

“Mom worries too much.”

I squeeze his shoulder. “She loves you, Leo. That’s a good thing.”

Leo heaves a sigh that makes him sound like a teenager.

The front door opens before I have a chance to knock. Lyla’s wearing the same outfit as earlier under a plaid apron, her hair up in a messy bun that’s more messy than bun.

“Hey. You guys are back! Long day.” She aims for a casual tone and falls somewhere around curious.

“We saw you spying, Mom,” Leo states.

I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning.

Lyla’s cheeks flush. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, we did. It was great. Right, Dad?”

Leo looks up at me, and my stomach knots.

“It was great,” I confirm.

“I’m, uh, I’m making dinner,” Lyla states. I can smell it—roasted meat and fresh herbs. “If you want to stay…” Her voice trails off, leaving the invitation open-ended.

I watch Leo’s expression fill with hope at first, then disappointment when I reply, “I can’t stay.”

“Right. Of course.” Lyla’s reply is hasty.

I think I catch of trace of disappointment on her face, too, before she schools her expression to nonchalance. Her arms cross like armor.

“Something came up with work. It can’t wait.”

“Of course,” Lyla repeats, dismissing my explanation.

I catch the wry twist to the words, the subtle disapproval. But she still doesn’t look eager for me to leave.

I hate it, and I love it.

It’s a lot harder to walk away from someone when you’re not sure they want you to.

That’s the problem though. Lylaisn’tsure. She doesn’t want this life—for herself or Leo—and I can’t blame her.

I bend down and hug Leo. “We’ll talk soon, okay? You can tell me all about Kansas.”

“You promised, right?”

I brush my lips against his hair. “Right.”

“All right.”

I give him one last smile after I straighten, then glance at Lyla. Her knuckles are white as she clutches her elbows, everything about her body language screaming,Stay away.