Page 124 of Blood of My Monster

“And when did you intend to do that? Before or after the hangover that’s waiting to happen.”

“I just…got a little carried away.”


“Okay, a lot.” She releases a breath, then narrows her eyes that look too much like her dead grandfather’s. “But that’s not what’s important here, is it?”

A muscle clenches in my jaw, but my expression remains the same. “Care to elaborate?”

“What…was that I just saw?”

“You’ve seen something? You sure it’s not just the alcohol talking?”

“I’m not drunk enough to start hallucinating. Are you perhaps…gay?”


From her point of view, I was bending over a man dressed in a suit on my desk. I was so busy thinking of how to make Rai believe she’s fucking crazy that I didn’t consider this angle.

It would be nearly impossible to make her go whacko, considering it would take effort, careful planning, and, most importantly, time that I don’t have.

“What if I am?” I ask casually.

“Nothing to it, I guess.” She lifts her shoulders, then smirks. “At least, that’s what I think. Everyone else in the organization, however, tends to be old-fashioned and close-minded. I’m not sure they would treat this information as neutrally as I do.”

“Your point?”

She uncrosses her arms and approaches me with confident ‘I’m in control of this situation’ strides, then stops a few paces away. “I can keep this a secret if you do something for me.”

I adjust my glasses. “Which is?”

“Vote for me at the upcoming meeting to become the executive director for V Corp.”

I burst out laughing. The sound is so intrusive and loud that Rai shifts from easy overconfidence to annoyed anger.

“What’s so funny about that?”

I raise a hand, pretending that it takes me more effort than needed to stop myself from laughing. “You. Head of V Corp. That’s what’s funny, Rai.”

“Granduncle is the head. I’ll just be the executive director.”

“Which is another word for the one who calls the shots. That can’t be you.”

“Why the fuck not? Because I’m a woman?”

“Because you still struggle with controlling your bursts of emotions, and the others don’t respect you.”

“That’s only because I don’t have a dick between my legs.”

“That’s part of the reason, but it’s not all. You can still have an imaginary dick and balls.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

I resist the urge to throw her against the nearest wall or actually shoot her to get rid of her once and for all.

The alternative is that I have to help this woman reach her ambition in exchange for keeping this whole situation under wraps.

I don’t even like Rai, not that I like anyone, per se, but the reason why I dislike her more than most is her holier-than-thou attitude and unbending personality that could be snapped like a twig.