Page 145 of Blood of My Monster

I’ve never wanted to keep someone before. Never thought about fucking them again the minute I was done.

“You didn’t use a condom,” she murmurs, still staring at the streets. “You didn’t last night either.”


She whips her head in my direction, a line appearing between her brows. “Ever thought of the possibility of impregnating me? My cycle has been all over the place since I joined the army, and I’m not sure the shot works.”

“It probably does.”

“Probably? That doesn’t sound very convincing.”

I lift a shoulder even as I completely pause on the inside. I’ve never had sex without a condom or without a professional cleaning the premises soon after.

That started after a gold digger nearly made me impregnate her, and another tried to sell my cum.

So why the fuck did I completely forget about that angle when I was fucking this woman?

Her brow furrows. “Still, you should use a condom for safety.”

“I’m clean. I’m sure you are, too, considering how tight you felt the first time. You probably haven’t had sex for a long time.”

Her cheeks redden, but she stares out the window again.

“You haven’t had sex for a long time, right?” I ask again.

“Why is that important?”

I wrap my fingers around her wrist and squeeze until she finally faces me. “Were you perhaps…a virgin?”

The red that spreads from her neck to her cheeks and ears is all the answer I need.

Fuck me.

When I found her impossibly tight last night, I honestly thought she’d been celibate for some time. She also didn’t bleed, but then again, not all women bleed.

“I’m your first?”

She visibly shivers, and I don’t know if it’s due to the way I dropped my voice or the question itself.

“It’s not that important, okay? Besides, I had a boyfriend when I was a teen and we did stuff and—”

“Don’t. One more word and I will make it my mission to find this ex-boyfriend of yours and fuck up his life.”

Her shoulders drop. “Do you have to be like…this?”


“Antagonistic for no reason.”

“Obviously, there’s a reason, but that’s not important right now, is it? The fact that you chose me as your first is.”

“I didn’tchooseyou. It was just convenient.”

Convenient. Hmm.

So I’m reduced to convenient now. That’s certainly the first time anyone has ever used that word for me. I’m many things, but fuckingconvenientisn’t one of them.

It doesn’t matter.