Page 8 of Filthy Lies

Lucas: Where he belongs.

Aidan O’Donnelly Sr.’sfuneral was the biggest event of the year.

I told you sodidn’t get the chance to attend, but footage of the O’Donnelly patriarch’s burial has been incredibly hard to come across.

What we know is thatnoxxious’Dagger Daniels was there with his son Camden to support his daughter, Savannah (now married to Aidan O’Donnelly Jr.). One of the younger funeralgoers allegedly fainted at the sight of the internationally renowned singer.

Liam Donnghal, NHL star, was also in attendance. Politicians, New York socialites, and a few Broadway actors were also among the grievers, but I wanted an invitation to meet with the Mounties’ prized player who has beenveryquiet since his kidnapping last year.


Regan: We’ve got a new Filthy King. I was there when Aidan Jr. sliced out that prick’s tongue.

James: Yeah, that was grody.

James: Packed a hell of a message though, didn’t it? He’s less crazy than his da, but that don’t say much about him, does it?

Regan: Not in the grand scheme of things.

James: I wasn’t actually talking about the tongue thing though. His da’s generals just got themselves hanged from freakin’ rebar in one of the cement factories.

Regan: WHAT?!

James: Yeah. They were behind that mutiny…

Regan: I heard he got kidnapped.

James: He did. Don’t look good but he’s making all the Points get tagged now, making them reassert their loyalties.

Regan: Tagged?

James: Inked with insignia.

Regan: When are you getting yours done?

James: This week. No choice.

Regan: Might be a chocolate chip short of a cookie, but he’s shrewder than his da.

James: Definitely.

Regan: Rumor is he’s taking over the ECD too.

James: Those IRA nutcases?

Regan: Yup.

James: Rumor… or fact?

Regan: Fact.


Detailsabout the man in question are fleeting, but the Secret Service have revealed that the killer has ties to the ECD—an extremist branch of the IRA.

With President Davidson’s close relationship with Ireland, the world waits for news on how both countries will respond to such a brazen attack on US soil.

At the riskof finding myself in the crosshairs of a sniper’s bullet, I have to wonder if the recent flood of deaths in the political sphere is Sparrows-related.