Star:But I love my country. I love what we used to stand for. I just don’t love it how it is now, and with everything that comes out about the Sparrows, it confirms that we’ve never been further away from what our founding fathers wanted for us.
Star:Sorry, I didn’t mean to get deep. Why do you ask?
Conor:I’m infinitely curious about you.
Conor:Haven’t you figured that out yet?
Star:Lol. Weirdo. My turn at twenty questions then.
Conor:Hit me with it.
Star:What’s something you’re afraid of?
Conor:Living in a world without my brothers in it.
Conor:Really. Nearly everything I do is to keep them safe. It’s one of the only reasons I always answer to Da when he comes calling.
Conor:He’s paranoid about being betrayed.
Star:He thinks THEY would betray them?
Conor:Yeah. The older he gets, it’s a fear that, I guess, niggles at him. I think he knows it’s irrational. At least, I hope he does.
Star:Is that why you developed that bug?
Conor:Yeah. I listen to about one percent of all the recorded conversations and have the software weed out keywords for me to check, but I have everything on file so that I can always prove they’re innocent of whatever BS he accuses them of. It hasn’t happened yet, but I can’t see that being the case forever.
Star:He didn’t ask you to do that?
Conor:You know from personal experience that people don’t know what we’re capable of.
Star:Meaning he wanted you to do something but he didn’t know what. Just wanted to make sure his boys weren’t traitors.
Conor:Yup. So I came up with the bug. It keeps him happy.
Conor:What scares you?
Star:Dying alone.
Conor:Even though you, in your own words, push everyone away?
Star:It’s not an irrational fear then, is it?
Conor:Not like mine. There will come a day when my brothers die. We might evade taxes, but death is something we can’t avoid forever. Whether I’m the last one standing or another is, it’ll happen at some point.
Star:Uh huh.
Star:This is a cheerful conversation.
Star:How did we get onto this subject anyway lol?
Conor:You’re the one who brought up fears.
Star:I was listening to a podcast.