Star:You do not.
Conor:I fucking do!
Conor:Because it’s a great investment?
Star:Isn’t that Triad territory?
Conor:They owed me a favor.
Star:What did you do? And, hell, WHEN did you do it?
Conor:I know it comes as a shock to you, but I did have a life before I knew you.
Conor:Only if you spill in return…
Star:Deal. When, why, what, and how?
Conor:I leveraged some information about four months or so before you came along and headbutted through my firewalls.
Star:Half the story much? And I didn’t headbutt anything. I slipped inside like a ninja.
Conor:You left a mile-wide gash behind you. Nothing about your entry or exit was discreet.
Conor:Anyway, I thought you wanted to talk about crusty old white guys.
Star:I did, but now I’m curious. Back to the topic at hand. What information did you leverage?
Conor:The Sparrows were on the periphery of my attention for a while, I think. I’m pretty certain this guy was shafted by them. He proclaimed his innocence and I managed to come across the CCTV footage that confirmed his alibi.
Star:That was handy.
Star:Don’t show me your tongue. Waggle it so I understand. Did you make a deep fake?
Conor:Sort of.
Star:I didn’t know you had those types of skills.
Conor:There’s plenty you don’t know about me lol.
Star:I’m not sure I like that.
Conor:HA! It’s not as if you’re an open book.
Star:True. Was it falsified or not?